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Influencing policy change: The experience of health think tanks in low- and middle-income countries


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In recent years there has been a growth in the number of independent health policy analysis institutes in low- and middle-income countries which has occurred in response to the limitation of government analytical capacity and pressures associated with democratization. This study aimed to: (i) investigate the contribution made by health policy analysis institutes in low- and middle-income countries to health policy agenda setting, formulation, implementation and monitoring and evaluation; and (ii) assess which factors, including organizational form and structure, support the role of health policy analysis institutes in low- and middle-income countries in terms of positively contributing to health policy. Six case studies of health policy analysis institutes in Bangladesh, Ghana, India, South Africa, Uganda and Vietnam were conducted including two NGOs, two university and two government-owned policy analysis institutes. Case studies drew on document review, analysis of financial information, semi-structured interviews with staff and other stakeholders, and iterative feedback of draft findings. Some of the institutes had made major contributions to policy development in their respective countries. All of the institutes were actively engaged in providing policy advice and most undertook policy-relevant research. Relatively few were engaged in conducting policy dialogues, or systematic reviews, or commissioning research. Much of the work undertaken by institutes was driven by requests from government or donors, and the primary outputs for most institutes were research reports, frequently combined with verbal briefings. Several factors were critical in supporting effective policy engagement. These included a supportive policy environment, some degree of independence in governance and financing, and strong links to policy makers that facilitate trust and influence. While the formal relationship of the institute to government was not found to be critical, units within government faced considerable difficulties.
机译:近年来,低收入和中等收入国家的独立卫生政策分析机构数量的增长,这是响应政府分析能力和与民主化相关的压力的限制而发生的。本研究旨在:(i)调查卫生政策分析机构在低收入和中等收入国家担任健康政策议程设定,制定,实施和监测和评估的贡献; (ii)评估哪些因素,包括组织形式和结构,支持卫生政策分析机构在低收入和中等收入国家的作用方面对卫生政策的积极贡献。在孟加拉国,加纳,印度,南非,乌干达和越南进行了六个案例研究,包括两个非政府组织,两个大学和两个政府所有的政策分析机构。案例研究吸引了文件审查,对财务信息的分析,与员工和其他利益攸关方的半结构性访谈,以及对调查结果草案的迭代反馈。其中一些研究所为各自国家的政策制定作出了重大贡献。所有机构都积极参与提供政策咨询和大多数有关的政策相关研究。相对少数人从事进行政策对话,或系统的评论或调试研究。机构承担的大部分工作是由政府或捐助者的要求驱动,大多数机构的主要产出是研究报告,经常与口头简报合并。有几个因素对于支持有效的政策参与至关重要。其中包括支持政策环境,治理和融资一定程度的独立性,以及对政策制定者的强烈联系,促进了信任和影响。虽然研究所对政府的正式关系没有被发现是至关重要的,但政府内的单位面临相当大的困难。



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