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What does knowledge look like? Interpreting diagrams as contemporary hieroglyphics

机译:知识是什么样的? 将图形解释为当代象形文字

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A significant challenge in interpreting and analyzing graphic representations is to understand the many reference points a graphically depicted object may have across its producer's personal and cultural experiences. An individual's exposure to socially constructed representations drives his or her propensity to use specific shared graphic objects, especially when attempting to articulate complex or abstract concepts. This multidisciplinary research study focuses on interpreting graphic representation types and analyzing the graphic objects individuals use to depict the abstract concept of knowledge. A sample of 833 individuals aged 5-65 participated in the study by constructing a drawing to answer the question, 'What does knowledge look like?'. Engelhardt's Language of Graphics (2002) graphic representation taxonomy was used to identify grouping and linking diagrams in the drawings. Next, graphic objects were coded and categorized within the drawings to identify the common representations, shared symbols, and non-depictive elements used to group and link. Using drawings fitting Engelhardt's grouping and linking graphic representation types, and Tversky's theories for constructing meaning through diagrams, this article examines how study participants combine and arrange common graphic objects to depict the concept of 'knowledge'. The results illustrate that individuals organize and arrange common graphic objects into groupings to communicate taxonomies or hierarchies based on spatial proximity; or connect and link them together using glyphs (e.g. arrows, dotted or straight lines) to communicate causal relationships. The findings also demonstrate how individuals employ common socially constructed graphic representations (or objects) as a visual communication tool and, through the exercise of drawing, as a tool for meaning or sense making. The graphic objects possess a shared meaning that the participants have seen circulating within their culture. The common ground that emerges from sharing graphic objects suggests a form of contemporary hieroglyphics that communicates meaning both inside and outside the community.
机译:解释和分析图形表示中的一个重大挑战是了解了一种图形所描绘的对象可能在其制作人的个人和文化体验中拥有的许多参考点。个人对社会构建的表示的曝光使他或她的倾向使用特定的共享图形对象,特别是在尝试阐明复杂或抽象概念时。该多学科研究研究侧重于解释图形表示类型,并分析图形对象个人用于描绘知识的抽象概念。 833个人的样本,5-65岁以上参加了研究,通过构建一个绘图来回答问题,“知识看起来像什么?”。 Engelhardt的图形语言(2002)图形表示分类学用于识别图纸中的分组和连接图。接下来,在附图中编码和分类图形对象以识别用于组和链接的公共表示,共享符号和非描述元素。使用图纸拟合Engelhardt的分组和链接图形表示类型,以及Tversky通过图表构建含义的理论,本文介绍了学习参与者如何组合和安排常见的图形对象来描绘“知识”的概念。结果说明了个体组织并将常见的图形对象组织并将常见的图形对象分组以传送基于空间接近的分类学或层次结构;或者使用字形(例如箭头,虚线或直线)连接并将它们连接在一起以传达因果关系。这些发现还展示了个人如何使用普通的社会构建的图形表示(或物体)作为视觉通信工具,并且通过绘图的锻炼,作为意义或感觉制作的工具。图形对象具有共享的意义,即参与者在其文化中看到的参与者。共享图形对象出现的共同点表明,当代象形文字的形式沟通了社区内外的意义。



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