首页> 外文期刊>Ambio: A Journal of the Human Environment >Challenges of climate change: an Arctic perspective

Challenges of climate change: an Arctic perspective


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Climate change is being experienced particularly intensely in the Arctic. Arctic average temperature has risen at almost twice the rate as that of the rest of the world in the past few decades. Widespread melting of glaciers and sea ice and rising permafrost temperatures present additional evidence of strong Arctic warming. These changes in the Arctic provide an early indication of the environmental and societal significance of global consequences. The Arctic also provides important natural resources to the rest of the world (such as oil, gas, and fish) that will be affected by climate change, and the melting of Arctic glaciers is one of the factors contributing to sea level rise around the globe. An acceleration of these climatic trends is projected to occur during this century, due to ongoing increases in concentrations of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere. These Arctic changes will, in turn, impact the planet as a whole.
机译:北极地区气候变化的经历尤为激烈。在过去的几十年中,北极的平均温度上升速度几乎是世界其他地区的两倍。冰川和海冰的广泛融化以及永冻土温度的升高提供了强烈的北极变暖的其他证据。北极地区的这些变化为全球后果的环境和社会意义提供了早期迹象。北极还为世界其他地区提供了重要的自然资源(例如石油,天然气和鱼类),这些自然资源将受到气候变化的影响,北极冰川的融化是导致全球海平面上升的因素之一。 。由于地球大气中温室气体的浓度不断增加,预计本世纪将加速这些气候趋势。这些北极变化将反过来影响整个地球。



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