首页> 外文期刊>The journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research >Successful vaginal delivery at term after vaginal reconstruction with labium minus flaps in a patient with vaginal atresia: A rare case report

Successful vaginal delivery at term after vaginal reconstruction with labium minus flaps in a patient with vaginal atresia: A rare case report


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Abstract We report a case of successful vaginal delivery after vaginal reconstruction with labium minus flaps in a 23‐year‐old patient with congenital vaginal atresia. The patient primarily presented with amenorrhea and cyclic abdominal pain; transabdominal ultrasonography revealed an enlarged uterus due to hematometra and absence of the lower segment of the vagina. Eight years ago, she had undergone an unsuccessful attempt at canalization at a local hospital. Upon referral to our hospital, she underwent vaginal reconstruction with labium minus flaps. Four months after this procedure, she became pregnant and, subsequently, successfully and safely vaginally delivered a healthy female baby weighing 3250 g at 38 +1 weeks' gestation. The delivery did not involve perineal laceration by lateral episiotomy. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of successful vaginal delivery at term after vaginal reconstruction with labium minus flaps in a patient with vaginal atresia.
机译:摘要我们举报了在一个23岁的患者中的阴道内闭锁后阴道重建后阴道重建成功阴道分娩的情况。患者主要呈现出常牙和循环腹痛; CanceABDominal超声检查显示由于血瘤物引起的放大的子宫,并且没有阴道的下部段。八年前,她经历了在当地医院的Conalization尝试不成功。在转诊到我们院,她经历了阴道重建,含有唇瓣。这一程序后四个月,她怀孕了,随后,成功,安全地递送了一名健康的女婴,在妊娠38 + 1周内重3250克。递送并未涉及侧面的乳腺癌撕裂。据我们所知,这是第一个在阴道重建后术语成功阴道递送的案例,患有阴道闭锁的患者中的阴道重建。



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