首页> 外文期刊>The British journal of developmental psychology >Visualization instructions enhance preschoolers' spatial problem-solving

Visualization instructions enhance preschoolers' spatial problem-solving


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This study explores whether verbal instructions to visualize an event can improve children's ability to make predictions about a difficult spatial problem. Three-year-olds (N=48) were introduced to two intertwined tubes, and prior to predicting how a ball would travel through a given tube, one group of children was told to imagine the ball rolling down the tube, one group was told an explicit rule about where the ball would land, and a third group was given no instructions. Children were prevented from interacting with the apparatus to investigate the effect of the different verbal instructions alone on their problem-solving. Children in the imagine condition made more correct predictions than both children who received no instructions and those who were told an explicit rule (but were not told to visualize). These results suggest that verbal instructions to imagine an event are enough to help children solve difficult spatial problems, likely by visualizing the outcome prior to making a prediction.
机译:这项研究探讨了语言的口头指示是否可视化事件可以提高儿童对困难空间问题的预测的能力。将三岁的人(n = 48)引入两个交织的管道,并且在预测球将如何穿过给定的管子,一群儿童被告知想象一组滚动滚筒,一组被告知关于球将在哪里降落的明确规则,没有说明。防止儿童与该装置进行交互,以研究不同的口头指令对他们解决问题的影响。想象力的儿童状况比接受没有说明的儿童和被告知明确规则的人(但没有被告知想象)的人更正确的预测。这些结果表明,要想象一个事件的口头指示足以帮助孩子解决困难的空间问题,可能通过在制定预测之前可视化结果。



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