首页> 外文期刊>The Agricultural Education Magazine >Embracing Mistakes to Cultivate Scientific Literacy in Our Students

Embracing Mistakes to Cultivate Scientific Literacy in Our Students


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As a new teacher, 1 remember dreading when lab activities didn't go as planned. Who hasn'thad a great lab planned and then something goes wrong? You don't get the right results...epic failure! Now your entire lesson is ruined. Or is it? It did not take long for me to realize how much more my students were able to learn when things didn't go as planned. I soon embraced the mistakes and looked forward to the opportunity to guide my students through an analysis of what went wrong and why our results were different than anticipated. Even more exciting was watching my students engage in this process on their own. Recent research on the benefits of learning from errors and a renewed look at the dimensions required for science literacy provide opportunities for agriculture teachers to embrace mistakes in the classroom to cultivate the scientific literacy of our students.
机译:作为一名新教师,1记得令人害怕的时候,当实验室活动没有按计划进行。 谁没有计划过一个伟大的实验室,然后出现问题? 你没有得到正确的结果......史诗般的失败! 现在你的整个课程都被毁了。 还是呢? 我没有长时间才能实现我的学生能够在计划中没有计划时学习多少。 我很快接受了错误,并期待有机会通过分析出错的分析以及为什么我们的结果与预期不同。 更令人兴奋的是,看着学生自己参与这个过程。 最近关于学习错误的好处的研究和重新观察科学素养所需的尺寸为农业教师提供了拥抱课堂错误,以培养学生的科学素养。



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