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A machine translation system from Arabic sign language to Arabic


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Arabic sign language (ArSL) is one of the sign languages that is used in Arab countries. This language has structure and grammar that differ from spoken Arabic. Available ArSL recognition systems perform direct mapping between the recognized sign in the ArSL sentence and its corresponding Arabic word. This results in persevering the structure and grammar of the ArSL sentence. ArSL translation involves converting the recognized ArSL sentence into Arabic sentence that meets the structure and grammar of Arabic. We propose in this work a rule-based machine translation system between ArSL and Arabic. The proposed system performs morphological and syntactic analysis to translate the ArSL sentence lexically and syntactically into Arabic. To evaluate this work, we perform manual and automatic evaluation using a corpus on the health domain. The obtained results show that our translation system provides an accurate translation for more than 80% of the translated sentences.
机译:阿拉伯语手语(ARSL)是阿拉伯国家/地区使用的标志语言之一。 这种语言具有与阿拉伯语口语不同的结构和语法。 可用的ARSL识别系统在ARSL句子的识别登录中执行直接映射及其相应的阿拉伯语。 这导致杠杆判断的结构和语法。 ARSL平移涉及将公认的ARSL句子转换为符合阿拉伯语结构和语法的阿拉伯语句子。 我们在这项工作中提出了ARSL和阿拉伯语之间基于规则的机器翻译系统。 所提出的系统进行形态和句法分析,将arsl句子词汇和句法转化为阿拉伯语。 为了评估这项工作,我们使用健康域上的语料库进行手动和自动评估。 所获得的结果表明,我们的翻译系统提供了超过80%的翻译句子的准确翻译。



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