首页> 外文期刊>Perspectives on Psychological Science >Protective Gun Ownership as a Coping Mechanism

Protective Gun Ownership as a Coping Mechanism


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Firearms are one of the central flashpoints in American life, and yet the motivations underlying their ownership have been generally understudied by psychologists. In this article, I review work from across the social sciences to model the psychological utility that people get from gun ownership. I propose the coping model of protective gun ownership and argue that those who own their weapon for protection are using their gun symbolically as an aid to manage psychological threats-to their safety, control, and sense of belongingness-that come from their belief that the world is a dangerous place and that society will not keep them safe. I discuss the ramifications of this coping strategy and present a research agenda for exploring this framework.
机译:枪支是美国生活中的中央闪点之一,但是,他们所有权的基础是心理学家的潜在主动。 在本文中,我审查了社会科学的工作,以模拟人们从枪支所有权获得的心理效用。 我提出了保护枪所有权的应对模式,并认为拥有其保护武器的人正在象征性地使用他们的枪作为管理心理威胁 - 他们的安全,控制和归属感 - 来自他们的信仰 世界是一个危险的地方,社会不会让他们安全。 我讨论了这种应对战略的后果,并提出了探索本框架的研究议程。



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