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Impact of Enriching the Diet of Women and Children Through Health and Nutrition Education, Introduction of Homestead Gardens and Backyard Poultry in Rural India


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The study addresses the issue of micronutrient deficiency in diets through health and nutrition education and introduction of homestead gardens and backyard poultry with high egg-yielding birds in a rural community. The target was the pregnant women and mothers with preschool children aged 6-24 months registered with the 11 Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) centres called' Anganwadi' in eight villages of Medak district, in the South Indian state of Andhra Pradesh (now Telangana). Knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) surveys of health and nutrition on a sub-sample of 142 mothers with 6- to 24-month-old children done initially and at the end of three years showed marked improvement in mothers' knowledge and child-feeding practices. At theend of three years, 335 target families had raised vegetable gardens diverting 57.8 acres of land. The KAP survey responses showed that the percentage of families raising homestead gardens increased from 30 % initially to over 70 % finally. Weekly meanfrequency of green leafy vegetables (GLV) cooked, increased from 1.9 to 2.4. The percentage of households cooking GLV more than three times per week increased from 21 in the initial survey to 45 in the final survey. Weekly frequency and quantity of eggsconsumed, among households who set up B YP, more than doubled. ICDS records showed gradual decline in percentage of 6 to 24-month-old children suffering from moderate-to-severe malnutrition, over the three-year experimental period.
机译:该研究通过健康和营养教育以及在农村社区引入带有高产卵鸟类的家园和后院家禽来解决饮食中微量营养素缺乏的问题。目标是在印度南部印度安得拉邦(现为Telangana)的Medak区的八个村庄的11个综合儿童发展服务(ICDS)中心“ Anganwadi”注册的6-24个月学龄前儿童的孕妇和母亲。 )。最初和三年末对142名有6至24个月大孩子的母亲进行的子样本健康和营养知识,态度和实践(KAP)调查显示,母亲的知识和儿童喂养方式。三年结束时,有335个目标家庭种植了菜园,占用了57.8英亩土地。 KAP调查的答复显示,建造宅基地花园的家庭比例从最初的30%增加到最终的70%以上。每周煮熟的绿叶蔬菜(GLV)的平均频率从1.9增加到2.4。每周做GLV超过3次的家庭比例从最初调查的21个增加到最终调查的45个。在建立B YP的家庭中,每周食用鸡蛋的频率和数量增加了一倍以上。 ICDS记录显示,在三年的实验期内,患有中度至重度营养不良的6至24个月大儿童的百分比逐渐下降。



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