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Nutrigenomic point of view on effects and mechanisms of action of ruminant trans fatty acids on insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes


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Evidence from observational studies suggests beneficial effects of ruminant trans fatty acids ( rTFA) on insulin resistance ( IR) and type 2 diabetes ( T2D). However, beneficial effects of rTFA are not always observed in cell, animal, and human studies. This narrative review presents potential mechanisms of action of rTFA using nutrigenomics and microRNA results in an integrative model. In addition, the review presents factors, including measures of IR and T2D, dose and duration of studies, as well as health status, ethnicity, and genotypes of subjects, that may help explain the heterogeneity in response to rTFA supplementation. Future studies should consider these factors, as well as research in nutritional genomics, to better understand the effects of rTFA on IR and T2D.
机译:来自观察性研究的证据表明反刍动物反式脂肪酸(RTFA)对胰岛素抵抗(IR)和2型糖尿病(T2D)的有益作用。 然而,在细胞,动物和人类研究中并不总是观察到RTFA的有益效果。 这种叙述审查介绍了使用营养素和MicroRNA的RTFA的潜在作用机制,这是一项综合模型。 此外,审查提出了因素,包括IR和T2D的措施,研究的剂量和持续时间,以及受试者的健康状况,种族和基因型,可能有助于解释响应RTFA补充的异质性。 未来的研究应考虑这些因素,以及营养基因组学的研究,以更好地了解RTFA对IR和T2D的影响。



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