首页> 外文期刊>Monatshefte fur Chemie >Biophysical and computational approaches to unravel the molecular interaction mechanism of bromodeoxyuridine, a proliferative marker with human serum albumin

Biophysical and computational approaches to unravel the molecular interaction mechanism of bromodeoxyuridine, a proliferative marker with human serum albumin


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The interaction of a nucleoside analogue bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) with human serum albumin (HSA) was studied to investigate the binding phenomenon and analyse the protein conformation upon BrdU binding. Multiple spectroscopic techniques, viz. intrinsic and 3-D fluorescence, UV-Vis absorption, and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy along with molecular docking were used. Decrease in the Stern-Volmer constant (K-sv) as well as the association constant (K-a) with increase in temperature suggested BrdU-HSA complex formation. Intermediate binding affinity between BrdU and HSA was evident from the K-a values (2.49-3.97 x 10(4) mol(-1) dm(3)), while BrdU-HSA complex formation was driven by hydrophobic and van der Waals interactions along with hydrogen bonds, as revealed by thermodynamic data (Delta S = + 28.48 J mol(-1) K-1; Delta H = - 17.16 kJ mol(-1)). Minor changes occur in both secondary and tertiary structures as well as in the fluorophores' microenvironment of HSA, as recognized from the CD spectral results in the far-UV and the near-UV regions and 3-D fluorescence spectra, respectively. Use of site markers (warfarin and indomethacin for site I; diazepam for site II) as well as docking results suggested BrdU binding to both site I (more preferred) and site II, located in subdomains IIA and IIIA, respectively, of HSA. Graphic abstract
机译:研究了核苷类似物溴氧脲酰亚胺(BrdU)与人血清白蛋白(HSA)的相互作用研究,研究了结合现象并分析BRDU结合对蛋白质构象。多个光谱技术,viz。使用内在和3-D荧光,UV-Vis吸收和圆形二色性(CD)光谱以及分子对接。减少税 - 活恒(K-SV)以及随着温度升高的增加恒定(K-A),提出了Brdu-HSA复合物形成。从Ka值方面明显明显(2.49-3.97×10(4)摩尔(-1)DM(3)),而Brdu-HSA复合物形成由疏水性和范德瓦尔斯相互作用以及氢键,如热力学数据所揭示的(ΔS= + 28.48JMMMOL(-1)K-1; Delta H = - 17.16 kJ mol(-1))。在次级和三级结构以及HSA的荧光团的微环境中发生微小的变化,从CD光谱结果分别识别到FAR-UV和近UV区域和3-D荧光光谱中。使用网站标记(Warfarin和Indomethacin用于站点I;位点II的Diazepam)以及对接结果表明BRDU分别与HSA分别位于IIA和IIIa的位点I(更优选)和部位II。图形摘要



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