首页> 外文期刊>Microchemical Journal: Devoted to the Application of Microtechniques in all Branches of Science >High-throughput screening for drugs of abuse and pharmaceutical drugs in hair by liquid-chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS)

High-throughput screening for drugs of abuse and pharmaceutical drugs in hair by liquid-chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS)

机译:通过液相色谱 - 高分辨率质谱(LC-HRMS)释放滥用药物和药物药物的高通量筛选

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A liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS) method for the simultaneous screening in hair samples of drugs of abuse and medicaments was developed. Target analytes screened using a single extraction and" analytical run were opiates, cocaine, amphetamines and amphetamine-like substances, ketamine and analogues, cannabinoids, both natural and synthetic, cathinones, piperazines, ephedrines and others new psychoactive substances not pertaining to these classes; pharmaceutical drugs such as antipsychotics, antiepileptics, antidepressants, benzodiazepines and analogues, anorectics, stimulants, drugs for the erectile dysfunction. The multiresidual method involved methanolic incubation of 30 mg of decontaminated hair and analysis of the extract in HPLC using a C18 column. The mass detector, a benchtop Orbitrap Exactive, with nominal resolving power of 100,000, operated in full scan mode in positive ESI. Analytes were identified by exact mass, correspondence of isotopic cluster and retention times using a home-made database. The database contained the protonated exact masses of each monoisotopic compound, the retention time and the molecular formula of each studied analyte. At the moment the database contains 177 analytes. The screening method was validated for selectivity, limit of detection (LOD), matrix effect and carryover. The limits of detection obtained varied from 2 to 30 pg/mg, and the matrix effect was negligible.
机译:开发了一种液相色谱 - 高分辨率质谱(LC-HRMS)用于同时筛选滥用药物和药物的毛发样品。使用单一提取和“分析运行”筛选的靶分析物和“分析运行是阿片类,可卡因,安非他明物质,氯胺酮和类似物,大麻素,天然和合成,天然藻,哌嗪,麻黄碱以及其他与这些课程无关的新的精神活性物质;药物如抗精神病药,抗癫痫药,抗抑郁药,苯并二氮杂嗪和类似物,肛门直肠剂,兴奋剂,用于勃起功能障碍的药物。使用C18柱致甲醇孵育30mg甲醇孵育30mg净化毛发和分析HPLC中提取物。质量探测器,处于辐射的台式轨道,具有100,000的标称分辨率,以全扫描模式运行在正eSI中。通过家庭制定的数据库通过精确的质量,同位素簇和保留时间对应的分析物。数据库包含质量精确每种单向异位化合物,保留时间和分子的群众每个研究分析物的Ar公式。此时数据库包含177个分析物。验证筛选方法以选择性,检测极限(LOD),矩阵效应和携带。获得的检测限从2至30pg / mg而变化,并且基质效果可忽略不计。



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