首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology >Content of Asthmagen Natural Rubber Latex Allergens in Commercial Disposable Gloves

Content of Asthmagen Natural Rubber Latex Allergens in Commercial Disposable Gloves


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The use of natural rubber latex (NRL) gloves in many occupations may lead to latex sensitization, allergic asthma, and skin reactions. Due to their good properties and environmental safety NRL gloves are still being used in the healthcare setting, but also in the food industry, by hairdressers, cleaners, etc. The aim of our study was to assess the protein and NRL allergen content in commercial gloves by different methods, including a new assay. Twenty commercially available NRL gloves were analyzed. Protein extraction was performed according to the international standard ASTM D-5712. Total protein content was measured with a modified Lowry method, NRL content with the CAP Inhibition Assay, the Beezhold ELISA Inhibition Assay, and an innovative ELISA with IgY-antibodies extracted from eggs of NRL-immunized hens (IgY Inhibition Assay). We found a high protein content in a range of 215.0-1304.7 ug/g in 8 out of the 20 NRL gloves. Seven of the 20 gloves were powdered, four of them with a high protein content. In gloves with high protein content, the immunological tests detected congruently high levels of NRL allergen. We conclude that a high percentage of commercially available NRL gloves still represent a risk for NRL allergy, including asthma. The modified Lowry Method allows to infer on the latex allergen content.
机译:在许多职业中使用天然橡胶乳胶(NRL)手套可能会导致乳胶过敏,过敏性哮喘和皮肤反应。由于其良好的性能和环境安全性,NRL手套仍在医疗机构中使用,而且在食品行业中,美发师,清洁人员等仍在使用。我们的研究目的是评估商用手套中的蛋白质和NRL过敏原含量通过不同的方法,包括新的检测方法。分析了二十种市售NRL手套。根据国际标准ASTM D-5712进行蛋白质提取。用改良的Lowry方法测量总蛋白质含量,用CAP抑制测定法测定NRL含量,Beezhold ELISA抑制测定法,并使用从NRL免疫母鸡卵中提取的IgY抗体(IgY抑制测定法)进行创新ELISA。我们在20支NRL手套中的8支中发现蛋白质含量高,在215.0-1304.7 ug / g的范围内。 20副手套中有7支是粉末状的,其中4副蛋白质含量高。在蛋白质含量高的手套中,免疫学检测发现NRL过敏原的含量一致。我们得出的结论是,高百分比的市售NRL手套仍代表着NRL过敏的风险,包括哮喘。改进的Lowry方法可以推断出乳胶过敏原的含量。



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