首页> 外文期刊>Cytologia : International journal of cytology >Sensitive and Rapid Detection of Centromeric Alphoid DNA in Human Metaphase Chromosomes by PNA Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization and Its Application to Biological Radiation Dosimetry

Sensitive and Rapid Detection of Centromeric Alphoid DNA in Human Metaphase Chromosomes by PNA Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization and Its Application to Biological Radiation Dosimetry

机译:PNA荧光原位杂交技术快速灵敏地检测人中期染色体中的着丝粒Alphaid DNA及其在生物辐射剂量测定中的应用

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Centromeres of human chromosomes contain highly repeated sequences of DNA including alphoid DNA. Because of the complicated genomic organization of the centromere, the distribution of alphoid DNA in chromosomes has not been fully investigated. We conducted fluorescence in situ hybridization using a synthetic peptide nucleic acid as a sensitive probe (PNA–FISH) to detect chromosomal sites of alphoid DNA. As a result, the size variation of centromeric alphoid DNA among chromosomes was visualized with hybridization times as short as 1–2 h. In addition to the inter-chromosomal variation, we detected possible inter-individual variation in the size of alphoid DNA sites, which had been difficult to precisely analyze by conventional molecular and cytogenetic methods. We then applied this sensitive and rapid detection method to evaluate the yield of multicentric chromosomes induced in cultured human peripheral blood lymphocytes by high-dose gamma-irradiation. This PNA–FISH allows us to unequivocally determine centromeres in complexly rearranged chromosomes, confirming its usefulness in biological radiation dosimetry.
机译:人类染色体的着丝粒包含高度重复的DNA序列,包括Alphaid DNA。由于着丝粒的基因组组织复杂,因此尚未充分研究染色体中的alphoid DNA分布。我们使用合成的肽核酸作为敏感探针(PNA–FISH)进行了荧光原位杂交,以检测Alphaid DNA的染色体位点。结果,在短于1-2 h的杂交时间内即可观察到染色体之间着丝粒Alphoid DNA的大小变化。除了染色体间的变异外,我们还检测到了可能存在的个体间Alphaid DNA位点大小的变异,而传统分子和细胞遗传学方法很难精确地分析这种变异。然后,我们应用了这种灵敏,快速的检测方法,以评估通过大剂量伽马射线照射培养的人外周血淋巴细胞中诱导的多中心染色体的产量。这种PNA-FISH使我们能够明确地确定复杂重排的染色体中的着丝粒,从而证实了其在生物辐射剂量测定中的有用性。



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