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Exfoliative cytology of atypical polypoid adenomyoma - A case report


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BACKGROUND: An atypical polypoid adenomyoma (APA) is a well-defined entity. I occurs in the en dometrium, lower uterine segment and endocervix. It is usually composed of atypical complex glands with squamous metaplasia admired with myofibromatous stroma. CASE: A 35-year-old female presented with one-year history of irregular menstrual periods. A diagnosis of adenocarcinoma in situ was rendered on her cervicovaginal smear. Pelvic examination revealed an enlarged uterus due to a leiomyoma. Colposcopic examination revealed a 0.6-cm, sessile, polypoid mass at the junction of the endocervix and ectocervix. A cone biopsy of the lesion showed irregular, endometrial-type glands embedded in a prominent myofibromatous stroma. The atypical glandular component of the mass demonstrated varying degrees of architectural complexity, ranging from simple to complex hyperplasia. In tissue sections the lesion was diagnosed as APA of the cervix. The patient underwent a hysterectomy for the leiomyoma. The hysterectomy specimen showed an 8.5-cm leiomyoma. The cervix and uterine corpus revealed no residual APA. CONCLUSION: APA of the cervix should be considered among the differential diagnoses of atypical glandular cells of undetermined significance. The diagnosis of APA cannot be made on cytology; the final diagnosis requires histologic confirmation. [References: 13]
机译:背景:非典型息肉样腺肌瘤(APA)是一个定义明确的实体。我发生在子宫内膜,子宫下段和宫颈内膜。它通常由非典型的复杂腺体组成,鳞状化生,并伴有肌纤维瘤样基质。案例:一名35岁女性,表现为月经不调的一年病史。她的宫颈阴道涂片被诊断为原位腺癌。盆腔检查发现子宫平滑肌瘤引起子宫增大。阴道镜检查显示,在子宫颈和子宫颈的交界处有一个0.6厘米的无柄息肉样肿块。病变的锥形活检显示不规则的子宫内膜型腺体包埋在突出的肌纤维瘤基质中。肿块的非典型腺体表现出不同程度的建筑复杂性,范围从简单到复杂的增生。在组织切片中,病变被诊断为子宫颈APA。该患者接受了子宫平滑肌瘤子宫切除术。子宫切除标本显示8.5 cm平滑肌瘤。子宫颈和子宫体显示没有残留的APA。结论:在未明确意义的非典型腺细胞的鉴别诊断中应考虑子宫颈的APA。无法通过细胞学诊断APA;最终诊断需要组织学确认。 [参考:13]



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