首页> 外文期刊>フレグランスジャ—ナル >米由来スフィンゴ糖脂質の新規機能性とその応用



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Glycosphingolipids such as ceramide and glucosylceramide widely distribute in animals,plants,and microorganisms.These compounds are known to regulate skin moisture and protect internal tissue from external damage.Our group highly purified glucosylceramide from rice bran and identified the structure,a glucose coupled with 4,8-sphingadiene and 2-hydroxy arachidic acid.As an evaluation of skin whitening and protective effects of rice-derived glycosphingolipids,rice germ-derived glycosphingolipid(purity:95%)and its acid hydrolysate inhibited tyrosinase activity and melanin formation in mice melan-a cells in a range of 5 to 20 mu g/ml.Moisture-retaining effects of commercial products containing 3% glycosphingolipids derived from rice germ,devil's-tongue and wheat were compared in test tubes,and rice germ-derived glycosphingolipid showed highest moisture retaining effect.More over,purified glycosphingolipid(1 mu g/ml,purity:>95%)from rice germ inhibited antigen-induced degranulation in sensitized RBL-2H3 mast cells.Continuous ingestion of the diet containing the glycosphingolipid(0.15 to 0.5%)reduced number of scratching behavior in mice itching model induced by compound 48/80.On the other hand,continuous(8 weeks)ingestion of the diet containing glycosphingolipid(100 and 250 ppm,purity:>90%)reduced the number of aberant crypt foci and mucin depleted foci in colon cancer rat induced by azoxymethane.We followed these new findings and developed high concentration of glycosphingolipid powder(8 to 20%)and liquid(0.8 to3%).These products are applicable to functional foods and cosmetics for beauty and prevention of cancer.
机译:鞘糖脂如神经酰胺和葡糖广泛分布于动物,植物,并且已知microorganisms.These化合物以调节皮肤水分和保护内部组织从米糠外部damage.Our组高度纯化葡糖和识别的结构,加上4葡萄糖,8-sphingadiene和2-羟基花生acid.As皮肤美白和水稻来源的鞘糖脂的保护作用的评价,米胚芽来源的鞘糖脂(纯度:95%)和它的酸水解产物抑制酪氨酸酶活性和黑色素的形成在小鼠中黑素-A -a细胞的范围为5至20微米克/ ml.Moisture保持含有从米胚芽来源3%的鞘糖脂的商业产品的效果,devil's舌和小麦分别在试管中进行比较,米胚芽来源的鞘糖脂显示最高保湿effect.More以上,纯化鞘糖脂(1亩微克/毫升,纯度:> 95%)米胚芽受抑制抗原 - 诱导的脱粒森西tized RBL-2H3肥大含有鞘糖脂(0.15至0.5%)降低了在小鼠模型搔痒由化合物48诱导的搔抓行为的数/ 80.On另一方面,连续的(8周)的摄取饮食的cells.Continuous摄取饮食含有鞘糖脂(100和250ppm,纯度:> 90%)减少aberant隐窝病灶和粘蛋白贫化灶诱导azoxymethane.We随后这些新发现和开发的鞘糖脂粉末的高浓度结肠癌大鼠(8至20的数量%)和液体(0.8 TO3%)。这些产品适用于功能性食品及化妆品美容和预防癌症。



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