首页> 外文期刊>Biochimica et biophysica acta. Molecular cell research >Analysis, occurrence, and function of 9-cis-retinoic acid.

Analysis, occurrence, and function of 9-cis-retinoic acid.


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Metabolic conversion of vitamin A (retinol) into retinoic acid (RA) controls numerous physiological processes. 9-cis-retinoic acid (9cRA), an active metabolite of vitamin A, is a high affinity ligand for retinoid X receptor (RXR) and also activates retinoic acid receptor (RAR). Despite the identification of candidate enzymes that produce 9cRA and the importance of RXRs as established by knockout experiments, in vivo detection of 9cRA in tissue was elusive until recently when 9cRA was identified as an endogenous pancreas retinoid by validated liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) methodology. This review will discuss the current status of the analysis, occurrence, and function of 9cRA. Understanding both the nuclear receptor-mediated and non-genomic mechanisms of 9cRA will aid in the elucidation of disease physiology and possibly lead to the development of new retinoid-based therapeutics. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Retinoid and Lipid Metabolism.
机译:维生素A(视黄醇)向视黄酸(RA)的代谢转化控制着许多生理过程。 9-顺式视黄酸(9cRA)是维生素A的活性代谢产物,是类视黄醇X受体(RXR)的高亲和力配体,还可以活化视黄酸受体(RAR)。尽管已鉴定出产生9cRA的候选酶并通过敲除实验确定了RXR的重要性,但直到最近通过验证的液相色谱-串联质谱法(LC)将9cRA鉴定为内源性胰腺类视黄醇时,体内组织中9cRA的检测才可望而却步。 -MS / MS)方法。本文将讨论9cRA的分析,现状和功能的当前状态。了解9cRA的核受体介导和非基因组机制将有助于阐明疾病的生理学,并可能导致开发基于类视黄醇的新疗法。本文是题为类维生素A和脂质代谢的特刊的一部分。



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