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Forecast models for suicide: Time-series analysis with data from Italy


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The prediction of suicidal behavior is a complex task. To fine-tune targeted preventative interventions, predictive analytics (i.e. forecasting future risk of suicide) is more important than exploratory data analysis (pattern recognition, e.g. detection of seasonality in suicide time series). This study sets out to investigate the accuracy of forecasting models of suicide for men and women. A total of 101 499 male suicides and of 39 681 female suicides - occurred in Italy from 1969 to 2003 - were investigated. In order to apply the forecasting model and test its accuracy, the time series were split into a training set (1969 to 1996; 336 months) and a test set (1997 to 2003; 84 months). The main outcome was the accuracy of forecasting models on the monthly number of suicides. These measures of accuracy were used: mean absolute error; root mean squared error; mean absolute percentage error; mean absolute scaled error. In both male and female suicides a change in the trend pattern was observed, with an increase from 1969 onwards to reach a maximum around 1990 and decrease thereafter. The variances attributable to the seasonal and trend components were, respectively, 24% and 64% in male suicides, and 28% and 41% in female ones. Both annual and seasonal historical trends of monthly data contributed to forecast future trends of suicide with a margin of error around 10%. The finding is clearer in male than in female time series of suicide. The main conclusion of the study is that models taking seasonality into account seem to be able to derive information on deviation from the mean when this occurs as a zenith, but they fail to reproduce it when it occurs as a nadir. Preventative efforts should concentrate on the factors that influence the occurrence of increases above the main trend in both seasonal and cyclic patterns of suicides.
机译:自杀行为的预测是一项复杂的任务。要微调有针对性的预防干预措施,预测性分析(即预测自杀的未来风险)比探索性数据分析(模式识别,例如检测自杀时间序列中的季节性)更重要。本研究旨在调查男女自杀预测模型的准确性。从1969年到2003年在意大利,共调查了101 499例男性自杀和39 681例女性自杀。为了应用预测模型并检验其准确性,将时间序列分为训练集(1969年至1996年; 336个月)和测试集(1997年至2003年; 84个月)。主要结果是对每月自杀人数的预测模型的准确性。使用了这些准确性度量:平均绝对误差;均方根误差平均绝对百分比误差;平均绝对比例误差。在男性和女性自杀中,都观察到趋势模式的变化,从1969年开始增加,到1990年左右达到最大值,此后减少。归因于季节和趋势成分的方差,男性自杀分别为24%和64%,女性自杀分别为28%和41%。每月数据的年度和季节性历史趋势都有助于预测自杀的未来趋势,误差幅度约为10%。这一发现在男性自杀序列中比在女性自杀序列中更为明显。该研究的主要结论是,考虑到季节性因素的模型似乎能够从天顶出现时偏离均值的信息,但是在天底出现时无法重现。预防工作应集中于影响自杀的季节性和周期性变化趋势超过主要趋势的因素。



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