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Deciphering (V) over dot(O2,max): limits of the genetic approach


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Maximal oxygen consumption ((V) over dot(O2,max)) denotes the upper limit of aerobic energy flux through the cascade of oxygen transfer from the environment to tissue mitochondria, essentially to skeletal muscle mitochondria during intense exercise. A high (V) over dot(O2,max )is a key component for athletic success in human and animal endurance sports. From a public health perspective, a high (V) over dot(O2,max) is a validated negative predictor for cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality. (V) over dot(O2,max) varies by more than twofold between sedentary subjects and shows a heritability value greater than 50%. Likewise, the capacity for an individual's (V) over dot(O2,max) to be increased with exercise training (i.e. its trainability) varies massively between subjects, independent of each subject's (V) over dot(O2,max) in the absence of training (i.e. their sedentary (V) over dot(O2,max)), and with a similarly high heritability. Athletic as well as public health interests have prompted a search for the genetic profile of sedentary (V) over dot(O2,max) and of trainability. Candidate-gene studies, gene-expression studies and genome-wide-association studies (GWAS) have not been able to identify a genetic signature that distinguishes subjects or athletes with a favorable (V) over dot(O2,max) phenotype or a high trainability from controls. Here, I propose that multigenetic phenotypes such as (V) over dot(O2,max) are emergent properties of multiple underlying transcriptomic networks modified by epistasis, the epigenome and the epitranscriptome. The genetic approach is thus considered to be necessary but insufficient for furthering our understanding of multigenetic higher-level functions.
机译:最大耗氧量((V)以上的点(O 2,最大值))表示需氧能量通量的上限通过从环境中的氧转移到组织线粒体的级联,从根本上在激烈运动骨骼肌线粒体。高(V)过点(O2,max)是用于人类和动物的耐力运动竞技成功的一个关键组成部分。从公共卫生的角度来看,高(V)过点(O2,max)是心血管疾病和全因死亡率验证负的预测。 (V)以上的点(O2,最大)超过久坐受试者和示出了遗传值大于50%之间双重变化。同样,在点个人的(V)(O2,最大值)的能力与运动训练(即其接受培训)大型主题之间变化,相互独立学科的(V)超点在没有增加(O2,最大值)培训(即其久坐(V)在点(O2,最大值)),并与同样高的遗传。竞技以及公众健康利益促使人们久坐不动(V)的遗传图谱上点搜索(O2,max)和接受培训的。候选基因研究,基因表达研究和全基因组关联研究(GWAS)一直没能找出遗传特征区分科目或运动员良好的(V)在点(O2,最大)表型或高接受培训的控制。在这里,我建议多基因表型如(V)以上的点(O 2,最大值)是由上位,表观基因和epitranscriptome改性多种基础转录网络的紧急性能。因此,遗传方式被认为是必要的,但不足以推动我们的多基因更高级别的功能的理解。



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