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Chromatin regulation landscape of embryonic stem cell identity.


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ES cells (embryonic stem cells) derived from the ICM (inner cell mass) of blastocysts are pluripotent and are capable of giving rise to most cell types. The ES cell identity is mainly maintained by the Oct4 (octamer-binding transcription factor 4) and Nanog transcriptional networks. Recently, a tremendous amount of work has focused on deciphering how ES cell identity is regulated epigenetically. It has been shown that histone methylation/demethylation, histone acetylation/deacetylation, histone variants and chromatin remodelling play crucial roles in ES cell maintenance and differentiation. Moreover, perturbation of those chromatin regulators results in loss of ES cell identity or aberrant differentiation. Therefore, it is important to fully understand the chromatin regulation landscape of ES cells. The knowledge gained will help us to harness the unique characteristics of ES cells for stem cell-related therapy and regenerative medicine. In the present review, we will discuss recent proceedings that provide novel insights into chromatin regulation of ES cell identity.
机译:源自囊胚的ICM(内部细胞团)的ES细胞(胚胎干细胞)是多能的,能够产生大多数细胞类型。 ES细胞的身份主要由Oct4(八聚体结合转录因子4)和Nanog转录网络维持。最近,大量工作集中在解读表观遗传学上ES细胞身份的调控方式。已经显示,组蛋白甲基化/去甲基化,组蛋白乙酰化/去乙酰化,组蛋白变体和染色质重塑在ES细胞维持和分化中起关键作用。而且,那些染色质调节剂的扰动导致ES细胞身份的丧失或异常分化。因此,重要的是要充分了解ES细胞的染色质调节情况。所获得的知识将有助于我们利用ES细胞的独特特性来进行干细胞相关的治疗和再生医学。在本综述中,我们将讨论最近的研究进展,这些进展为染色质调控ES细胞的身份提供了新颖的见解。



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