首页> 外文期刊>Current directions in psychological science: a journal of the American Psychological Society >Religion's Profound Influences on Psychology: Morality, Intergroup Relations, Self-Construal, and Enculturation

Religion's Profound Influences on Psychology: Morality, Intergroup Relations, Self-Construal, and Enculturation


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Religion affects psychological processes in many important ways and is the subject of increasing attention on the part of psychologists. I discuss four reasons why religion is important, including that religion is a central foundation for moral judgment (e.g., Protestants but not Jews find lustful thoughts to be morally suspect) and that religion strongly affects intergroup relations (e.g., theology regarding forgiveness affects intergroup relations). I then propose that religion broadly shapes self-construal (e.g., Protestants tend toward independent selves) and that the myriad ways in which religion shapes individuals' psychologies is a complex issue that can be instructive in terms of how culture gets inside people's heads.
机译:宗教以许多重要方式影响着心理过程,是心理学家日益关注的主题。我讨论了宗教为何如此重要的四个原因,其中包括宗教是道德判断的中心基础(例如,新教徒但犹太人不是淫荡的想法在道德上受到怀疑),并且宗教强烈影响群体间的关系(例如,关于宽恕的神学影响群体间的关系) )。然后我提出,宗教广泛地影响着自我建构(例如,新教徒倾向于独立自我),并且宗教影响个人心理的多种方式是一个复杂的问题,可以从文化如何进入人们的头脑中起到启发性的作用。



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