
Phase separation in nanocomposite indium tin oxide thin films grown at room temperature: on the role of oxygen deficiency


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A phase separation is found to occur at room temperature in oxygen deficient indium tin oxide films. This disproportionation reaction is driven by the crystallization of the stoichiometric (In_(1.8)Sn_(0.2))O3 phase as indium tin sub-oxides are not thermodynamically stable. The electrons supplied by the oxygen vacancies may act as reduction centres to induce the formation of metallic In and/or Sn atoms, and when the phase separation is complete, a nanocomposite film is formed with metallic clusters embedded in a stoichiometric oxide matrix. The precise study of the role of oxygen deficiency shows the existence of a threshold in oxygen composition for the occurrence of the phase separation. Indeed for nearly stoichiometric (In_(1.8)Sn_(0.2))O_x films (with x > 2.75) metallic clusters are not present, while for x < 2.75, metallic clusters are observed. The existence of this threshold is here explained in relation to classical nucleation theory. An analogy is proposed between the critical size leading to the nucleation of metallic clusters and the threshold in oxygen composition.
机译:发现在室温下在缺氧的铟锡氧化物膜中发生相分离。这种歧化反应是由化学计量的(In_(1.8)Sn_(0.2))O3相的结晶驱动的,因为铟锡亚氧化物不是热力学稳定的。由氧空位提供的电子可以充当还原中心以诱导金属In和/或Sn原子的形成,并且当相分离完成时,形成的纳米复合膜具有嵌入化学计量的氧化物基质中的金属簇。对缺氧作用的精确研究表明,氧气成分中存在一个阈值,用于发生相分离。实际上,对于几乎化学计量的(In_(1.8)Sn_(0.2))O_x薄膜(x> 2.75),不存在金属簇,而对于x <2.75,则观察到金属簇。在此,结合经典成核理论解释了该阈值的存在。在导致金属团簇成核的临界尺寸和氧组成的阈值之间提出了一个类比。


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