首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Medicinal Chemistry >Structure?Activity Relationships of Synthetic Cordycepin Analogues as Experimental Therapeutics for African Trypanosomiasis

Structure?Activity Relationships of Synthetic Cordycepin Analogues as Experimental Therapeutics for African Trypanosomiasis


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Novel methods for treatment of African trypanosomiasis, caused by infection with Trypanosoma brucei are needed. Cordycepin (3′-deoxyadenosine, 1a) is a powerful trypanocidal compound in vitro but is ineffective in vivo because of rapid metabolic degradation by adenosine deaminase (ADA). We elucidated the structural moieties of cordycepin required for trypanocidal activity and designed analogues that retained trypanotoxicity while gaining resistance to ADA-mediated metabolism. 2-Fluorocordycepin (2-fluoro-3′-deoxyadenosine, 1b) was identified as a selective, potent, and ADA-resistant trypanocidal compound that cured T. brucei infection in mice. Compound 1b is transported through the high affinity TbAT1/P2 adenosine transporter and is a substrate of T. b. brucei adenosine kinase. 1b has good preclinical properties suitable for an oral drug, albeit a relatively short plasma half-life. We present a rapid and efficient synthesis of 2-halogenated cordycepins, also useful synthons for the development of additional novel C2-substituted 3′-deoxyadenosine analogues to be evaluated in development of experimental therapeutics.
机译:需要新颖的方法来治疗由布鲁氏锥虫感染引起的非洲锥虫病。虫草素(3'-deoxyadenosine,1a)在体外是一种强大的锥虫杀虫剂,但由于腺苷脱氨酶(ADA)的快速代谢降解,在体内无效。我们阐明了锥虫病活性所需的虫草素的结构部分,并设计了保留锥虫毒性同时获得对ADA介导的代谢的抗性的类似物。 2-氟吡啶酮(2-氟-3'-脱氧腺苷,1b)被鉴定为可治愈小鼠布鲁氏杆菌感染的选择性,强效和ADA耐药的锥虫杀虫剂。化合物1b通过高亲和力TbAT1 / P2腺苷转运蛋白转运,是T.b的底物。布鲁西腺苷激酶。尽管血浆半衰期相对较短,但是1b具有适合口服药物的良好的临床前性质。我们提出了一种2-卤代虫草素的快速有效合成方法,该合成物还用于开发其他新型C2-取代的3'-脱氧腺苷类似物,以在实验治疗剂的开发中进行评估。



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