首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Polymer Science >Influence of electron beam irradiation on properties of fluorine-containing poly(aryl ether ketone)s

Influence of electron beam irradiation on properties of fluorine-containing poly(aryl ether ketone)s


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The influence of electron beam irradiation on the properties of fluorine-containing poly(aryl ether ketone)s (F-PEK), derived from 2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorobenzoic acid, was examined. Irradiation was performed with an electron beam at a dose of 3.63 x 10(3) Gy s(-1) for which the corresponding doses were 29.0, 51.0, and 94.5 MGy. Tensile strength at break increased up to a dose of 29.0 MGy and then decreased very slightly with irradiation. Elongation at break was more susceptible to irradiation and decreased drastically to one tenth at a dose of 29.0 MGy. Young's modulus was enhanced by the irradiation. F-PEKs were changed from elastic materials to strong and brittle materials by irradiation. Relaxation of the viscoelastic property shifted toward higher temperature by irradiation. These tensile and viscoelastic property changes were attributed to the formation of a bulkier and more rigid structure by crosslinking. The fluorine atoms attached to the 1,4-phenylene moiety in F-PEKs were surprisingly susceptible to the irradiation and were completely lost at a dose of 29.0 MGy. The 7T-electron conjugated aromatic structure was concurrently developed during irradiation. Further, polar functional groups such as carboxyl group and ester group were generated by chain scission and rearrangement. The F-PEKs retained their good transparency and the thermal stability was significantly improved after irradiation. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. [References: 45]
机译:研究了电子束辐照对衍生自2,3,4,5,6-五氟苯甲酸的含氟聚(芳基醚酮)s(F-PEK)性能的影响。用剂量为3.63 x 10(3)Gy s(-1)的电子束进行辐照,其相应剂量为29.0、51.0和94.5 MGy。断裂拉伸强度增加至29.0MGy的剂量,然后随着辐射非常轻微地降低。断裂伸长率对辐射更敏感,在剂量为29.0 MGy时,断裂伸长率急剧下降至十分之一。通过照射提高了杨氏模量。通过辐照,F-PEK从弹性材料变为坚固而脆的材料。辐射使粘弹性的松弛向更高的温度移动。这些拉伸和粘弹性的变化归因于通过交联形成的更大且更刚性的结构。出乎意料的是,F-PEK中连接到1,4-亚苯基部分的氟原子容易受到辐射的影响,并在29.0 MGy的剂量下完全消失。在辐照期间同时形成了7T-电子共轭芳族结构。此外,通过断链和重排产生极性官能团,例如羧基和酯基。 F-PEK保持了良好的透明性,辐照后的热稳定性得到显着改善。 (C)2003 Wiley Periodicals,Inc. [参考:45]



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