首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry >Comparison of Physicochemical Properties and Starch Structure of Red Rice and Cultivated Rice

Comparison of Physicochemical Properties and Starch Structure of Red Rice and Cultivated Rice


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Sixteen red rice accessions from the southern United States were studied for their physical,milling,pasting,and thermal properties,chemical composition,and starch fine structure relative to cultivated medium-and long-grain rice varieties.All red rice samples were medium-grain,but their physico-chemical properties were different from those of Bengal,a cultivated medium-grain rice.Their apparent amylose and crude protein contents were generally higher,and their amylopectin structure consisted of a higher percentage of the shorter branch chains(DP6-24)and a lower percentage of the longer branch chains(DP25-65).Red rice starch pasting and thermal properties were similar to those of Wells,a long-grain rice cultivar.The red rice samples can be classified into two major clusters according to their kernel properties by hierarchical cluster analysis:one cluster with more resemblance to Wells and another cluster with more resemblance to Bengal.Starch structure and kernel physicochemical properties may offer an alternative way of classifying red rice in addition to phenotypic and genetic indices.
机译:研究了来自美国南部的16个红稻种的物理,碾磨,粘贴,热特性,化学成分和相对于栽培的中粒和长粒稻种的淀粉精细结构。所有红米样品均为中粒,但其理化特性与中粒栽培稻孟加拉国不同。它们的直链淀粉和粗蛋白含量通常较高,支链淀粉结构由较高百分比的较短分支链组成(DP6-24) )和较低百分比的较长分支链(DP25-65)。红米淀粉的糊化和热学特性与长粒稻品种韦尔斯的相似。红米样品可以根据以下两个主要类别进行分类通过层次聚类分析分析它们的内核特性:一个与Wells相似的簇,另一个与Bengal相似的簇。淀粉结构和内核理化性质除表型和遗传指标外,ES还可能提供对红米进行分类的另一种方法。



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