首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry >Selective recovery of glycosylated caseinmacropeptide with chitosan

Selective recovery of glycosylated caseinmacropeptide with chitosan


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The use of chitosan, a partially deacetylated chitin, to fractionate aqueous solutions of caseinmacro- peptides (CMPs) was studied. The polycationic character of chitosan at acidic pH values allows the formation of complexes with negatively charged CMP molecules, inducing their flocculation. Glycosylated CMP (GMP) has higher affinity for chitosan than nonglycosylated forms (NGMP). The carboxylic groups in the carbohydrate moiety of the GMP increase the negative charge of the molecule and may play a role in the selective precipitation. At pH 5.0, 0.08 mg/mL of chitosan completely removed the GMP whereas 70% of NGMP remained in solution. As the pH increased, the amount of chitosan to ensure complete removal of GMP increased up to 0.19 and 0.34 mg/mL for pH 6.0 and 6.6, respectively.
机译:研究了使用壳聚糖(部分脱乙酰的几丁质)来分离酪蛋白大分子肽(CMP)的水溶液。壳聚糖在酸性pH值下具有聚阳离子特性,可与带有负电荷的CMP分子形成络合物,从而诱导其絮凝。糖基化CMP(GMP)对壳聚糖的亲和力高于非糖基化形式(NGMP)。 GMP碳水化合物部分中的羧基会增加分子的负电荷,并可能在选择性沉淀中起作用。在pH 5.0时,0.08 mg / mL的壳聚糖完全去除了GMP,而溶液中仍有70%的NGMP。随着pH值的增加,确保pH 6.0和6.6的壳聚糖的量分别增加至0.19和0.34 mg / mL,以确保完全去除GMP。



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