首页> 外文期刊>Polymer: The International Journal for the Science and Technology of Polymers >Measurement of multi-scale deformation of polycarbonate using X-ray scattering with in-situ loading and digital image correlation

Measurement of multi-scale deformation of polycarbonate using X-ray scattering with in-situ loading and digital image correlation


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Deformation of amorphous, glassy polycarbonate (PC) is characterised over a wide range of length-scales using spatially-resolved wide angle X-ray scattering (WAXS) with simultaneous digital image correlation and in-situ uni-axial loading. Novel observations are presented on the correlation of the evolution of the molecular structure linked to the relevant local macroscopic measures of strain as the sample deforms. This provides new insights into the mechanisms of deformation in amorphous, glassy polymers. Strains and evolving anisotropy are observed, and quantified, at different length scales identified from the WAXS measurements connected to inter-and intramolecular structures. The inter-molecular structures show permanent deformations in the form of unrecoverable stretches and reorientations, whilst intramolecular structures show recoverable strains and unrecoverable reorientations. Such insights pave the way for development of enhanced constitutive models for amorphous glassy polymers with a correct micro-mechanical basis and calibrated evolution of anisotropy. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:使用空间分辨的广角X射线散射(WAXS)并同时进行数字图像相关和原位单轴加载,可以在很宽的长度范围内表征非晶态玻璃状聚碳酸酯(PC)的变形。关于样品变形时与应变相关的局部宏观测量有关的分子结构演变的相关性,提出了新的观察结果。这为非晶态玻璃状聚合物的变形机理提供了新的见解。在与分子间和分子内结构相关的WAXS测量结果确定的不同长度尺度上,观察并量化了应变和不断发展的各向异性。分子间结构以不可恢复的拉伸和重新取向的形式显示出永久变形,而分子内结构则显示可恢复的应变和不可恢复的重新取向。这些见解为开发具有正确的微机械基础和校准的各向异性演化的非晶态玻璃态聚合物的增强本构模型铺平了道路。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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