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Creativity of Turkish Prospective Teachers


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Universities in developed countries require people who can think, make new scientific discoveries, and find more adequate solutions to compelling world problems. For developing countries, integration of creative thinking skills in university education is a crucial need for shaping their future orientations and actualizing reforms in political, economic, and cultural areas. For many developing countries, creativity remains neglected, whereas in developed countries, educational philosophy and goals rely on students' enhancement of creativity and self-actualization. The Turkish educational system, which is highly centralized and achievement oriented, seeks creative and innovative teachers who are able to enhance creative thinking strategies and who respect the creative ideas of students. This study investigated whether 4 dimensions of creativity (fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration) are accounted for at the university entrance examination (OSS) to select prospective teachers in Turkey. The study sample consisted of the students of Akdeniz University, Faculty of Education. Regression analyses demonstrated that although creativity dimensions were not included in OSS in previous years, they are taken into consideration at moderate but significant levels in recent years. This shift at OSS, which is a standardized test, appears to be the sign of an educational innovation; however, it is not sufficient to produce an educational reform for a creative, developed society. This article discusses the alternative ways of selecting and training prospective teachers who are creative and who can develop creativity and innovation in Turkish society.
机译:发达国家的大学要求能够思考,取得新的科学发现并找到更充分的解决方案来解决迫在眉睫的世界问题的人。对于发展中国家而言,将创造性思维技能整合到大学教育中是塑造其未来方向并在政治,经济和文化领域实施改革的关键需求。对于许多发展中国家,创造力仍然被忽略,而在发达国家,教育理念和目标取决于学生对创造力和自我实现能力的增强。土耳其的教育体系高度集中,注重成就,寻求有创造力和创新精神的老师,这些老师应能够加强创造性思维策略并尊重学生的创造性观念。这项研究调查了在大学入学考试(OSS)中是否考虑了4个方面的创造力(流利度,灵活性,独创性和精致度),以选择土耳其的准教师。研究样本包括阿克德尼兹大学教育学院的学生。回归分析表明,尽管前几年OSS中未包含创造力维度,但近年来,这些因素在中等但重要的水平上得到了考虑。 OSS的这种转变是一项标准化测试,似乎是教育创新的标志。然而,仅仅针对一个创新的发达社会进行教育改革是不够的。本文讨论了选择和培训有创意并且可以在土耳其社会发展创意和创新的准教师的替代方法。



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