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The ly-6 protein, lynxl, is an endogenous inhibitor of nicotinic signaling in airway epithelium


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In this study, we show that the similarity between neu-rotransmitter signaling in neurons and in BEC extend to the level of transmitter receptor allosteric modulators. The ly-6 family of proteins, also known as three-finger toxins or proteins, is a large family of proteins characterized by precisely spaced cysteine motifs (15, 21, 44). A number of these proteins bind to nAChR and act as positive or negative allosteric modulators. In particular lynxl, originally isolated by Miwa et al. (26) based on its homology with the nicotinic antagonist a-bungarotoxin (aBGT), acts as an endogenous negative regulator of nicotinic signaling in neurons (20, 27). The nAChR are ligand-gated ion channels, and the binding of their endogenous ligand (ACh) or the exogenous ligand nicotine allows entry of Na+ or Ca++ into the cell (25). Binding of lynxl to the nAChR decreases nicotine and ACh-induced currents and increases desensitization. Multiple other members of the ly-6 family also modulate nAChR activity, including Iynx2 (43), slurp-l(3, 6), slurp-2 (2), prostate stem cell antigen (19), and the prostate and testis expressed proteins (24). Because our laboratory has previously shown that lynxl is highly expressed in airway epithelial cells, it would seem likely that lynxl might also regulate nAChR responses to nicotine and ACh in lung (39).
机译:在这项研究中,我们表明神经元和BEC中的神经递质信号之间的相似性扩展到了递质受体变构调节剂的水平。 ly-6蛋白质家族,也称为三指毒素或蛋白质,是一大类蛋白质,其特征是精确间隔的半胱氨酸基序(15、21、44)。这些蛋白质中的许多与nAChR结合并充当正或负变构调节剂。特别是最初由Miwa等人分离的lynxl。 (26)基于其与烟碱样拮抗剂α-真菌毒素(aBGT)的同源性,充当神经元烟碱信号传导的内源性负调节剂(20、27)。 nAChR是配体门控的离子通道,其内源性配体(ACh)或外源性配体烟碱的结合允许Na +或Ca ++进入细胞(25)。 lynxl与nAChR的结合减少了尼古丁和ACh诱导的电流并增加了脱敏作用。 ly-6家族的其他多个成员也调节nAChR活性,包括Iynx2(43),slurp-1(3,6),slurp-2(2),前列腺干细胞抗原(19)以及前列腺和睾丸表达蛋白质(24)。由于我们的实验室先前已证明lynxl在气道上皮细胞中高度表达,因此lynxl似乎也可能调节肺中对烟碱和ACh的nAChR反应(39)。



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