首页> 外文期刊>Comparative Medicine >Subacute necrotizing encephalopathy in a pig-tailed macaque (Macaca nemestrina) that resembles mitochondrial encephalopathy in humans

Subacute necrotizing encephalopathy in a pig-tailed macaque (Macaca nemestrina) that resembles mitochondrial encephalopathy in humans

机译:猪尾猕猴(Macaca nemestrina)的亚急性坏死性脑病,类似于人的线粒体脑病

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A male pig-tailed macaque (Macaca nemestrina), approximately 5 years old, was found to be vision-impaired and to have profound behavioral abnormalities, including hyperactivity and self-injurious behavior that was not amenable to amelioration by environmental enrichment. Facial and skeletal dysmorphisms also were noted. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) scanning revealed areas of possible infarction in the occipital lobes and megaventriculosis. At necropsy, following euthanasia for humane reasons, severe polio- and leukoencephalomalacia accompanied by megaventriculosis were seen in both occipital lobes and in several sulci of the parietal and frontal lobes. Light microscopic findings included loss of neocortical structure, with necrosis, neuronal loss, astrogliosis, vascular proliferation, mild spongiosis, and demyelination. The extent and severity of lesions were most pronounced in the occipital lobes and were greater in the left than in the right hemisphere. Other lesions included mild bilateral atrophy of the optic nerves, thymic involution, necrotizing dermatitis due to trauma, and a spectrum of spermatozoal abnormalities. The imaging and gross and light microscopic changes found in this animal resemble the mitochondrial encephalopathies of humans; this was corroborated by results of immunohistochemical analysis demonstrating decreased expression of enzymes of the mitochondrial oxidative complex ([OC]-I, -III, and IV) in brain and muscle, and detection of fibrinogen immunoreactivity in neurons and glial cells. The spermatozoal defects may represent yet another aspect of a mitochondrial defect.
机译:发现大约5岁的雄性猪尾猕猴(Macaca nemestrina)视力受损,并具有严重的行为异常,包括过度活跃和自伤性行为,无法通过环境富集来改善。还注意到面部和骨骼的畸形。磁共振成像(MRI)和正电子发射断层扫描(PET)扫描显示了枕叶和大脑室的可能梗死区域。尸检时,出于人道原因而实施安乐死后,在枕叶以及顶叶和额叶的多个沟中均发现了严重的脊髓灰质炎和白脑脑软化并伴有巨大脑室病。光学显微镜检查的结果包括新皮层结构的丧失,坏死,神经元丧失,星形胶质细胞增多症,血管增生,轻度海绵体病和脱髓鞘。病变的程度和严重程度在枕叶最明显,左半部比右半部更大。其他病变包括轻度的双侧视神经萎缩,胸腺退化,由于创伤导致的坏死性皮炎以及一系列的精子异常。在该动物中发现的影像学以及肉眼和肉眼的显微变化类似于人类的线粒体脑病;免疫组织化学分析结果证实了这一点,该结果表明脑和肌肉中线粒体氧化复合物([OC] -I,-III和IV)的酶表达降低,并检测了神经元和神经胶质细胞中的纤维蛋白原免疫反应性。精子缺陷可以代表线粒体缺陷的另一方面。



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