
America 'at war'


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President Obama vows to 'go after' Islamic State. THE US MILITARY has expanded its strike missions in. Iraq to seek out Islamic State (IS) militants in line with a new initiative laid out by US President Barack Obama. The NATO conference held at Celtic Manor in Wales in September paved the way for a concerted international effort to tackle the IS fighters. The stymied initial response to the IS advance across Syria and northern Iraq is now morphing into a concerted effort to tackle what leaders increasingly see as a major security threat to many countries. The so-called 'expanded air strikes' started on September 15, with US aircraft striking IS positions near Baghdad and farther north in Iraq near Mount Sinjar. US Central Command said: 'The air strike south-west of Baghdad was the first taken as part of our expanded efforts beyond protecting our own people and humanitarian, missions to hit ISIL targets as Iraqi forces go on offence, as outlined in the President's speech last Wednesday.'
机译:奥巴马总统发誓要“追赶”伊斯兰国。美国军方已将其打击任务扩大到伊拉克。根据美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)提出的一项新倡议,寻找伊斯兰国(IS)武装分子。 9月在威尔士凯尔特庄园举行的北约会议为国际社会为应对IS战斗机作出了共同努力铺平了道路。对跨叙利亚和伊拉克北部的信息系统进步的初步反应现在陷入僵局,现在正在演变为共同努力,以解决领导人日益被视为对许多国家构成重大安全威胁的问题。所谓的“扩大空袭”始于9月15日,美军飞机在巴格达附近的IS位置和伊拉克的辛加尔山附近的更北部向空袭。美国中央司令部说:“巴格达西南部进行的空袭是我们扩大努力的一部分,这不仅包括保护我们自己的人民和人道主义,还包括在伊拉克部队继续进攻时打击伊黎伊斯兰国的任务,正如总统讲话中所概述的那样。上周三。'



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