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An Embarrassment of Riches: Ethics and Scholarly Publishing in the Digital Environment


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For almost two decades, I have taught courses in what is typically called the "foundations" of my academic fields of education and library and information science. "Foundations" courses, to borrow the language of the Council for Social Foundations ofEducation, provide students with interpretive, normative, and critical perspectives on their chosen professions rooted in the study of humanistic and social science fields, including history, philosophy, sociology, economics, and political science.1 During my career, I have taught courses such as "Education and American Culture," "Philosophy of Education," "Libraries, Information, and Society" and "The Internet and American Society." These are fun courses to teach (and they are always full because theyare often required for graduation), but the first and greatest challenge in teaching them is to help the pre-service professional to see the relevance of the topic to the practical concerns that dominate both their education and their concerns about their future work.2 And, then there are years like 2012, when it seems there are stories every day that allow me to make clear the routine relevance of foundational concerns. One such concern appearing regularly in the press this year is that of ethics, including scholarly ethics, in the digital age.
机译:近二十年来,我一直在教育,图书馆和信息科学等学术领域教授通常称为“基础”的课程。 “基础”课程借用教育社会基金会基础的语言,为学生提供对他们所选择的植根于人文和社会科学领域(包括历史,哲学,社会学,经济学)的专业的解释性,规范性和批判性观点1。在我的职业生涯中,我教授过诸如“教育与美国文化”,“教育哲学”,“图书馆,信息与社会”和“互联网与美国社会”之类的课程。这些都是有趣的课程(由于毕业常常需要这些课程,所以课程总是很充实),但是在教授这些课程时,首要的也是最大的挑战是帮助职前专业人员了解该主题与主导实际问题的相关性他们的教育和对未来工作的担忧。2然后是2012年,似乎每天都有很多故事让我弄清基本问题的日常相关性。今年在新闻界经常出现的这种关注之一就是数字时代的道德,包括学术道德。



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