首页> 外文期刊>园芸学会杂志 >Changes in cell wall polysaccharides in kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis Planch cv. Yellow Koshin) during softening on the vine.

Changes in cell wall polysaccharides in kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis Planch cv. Yellow Koshin) during softening on the vine.


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The mechanism of softening and cell wall polysaccharide changes in kiwifruits (A. chinensis cv. Yellow Koshin) on the vine were compared with changes induced by ethylene treatment. Cell wall polysaccharides were prepared from 80% alcohol-insoluble residues by extracting the residues with water, EDTA, HCl and KOH in succession. The decrease in the amount of monosaccharides in the water-insoluble fraction (WIF) derived from EDTA, HCl and KOH soluble fractions was investigated. Ethylene evolution wasnot detected in the fruit during softening on the vine. Fruit softening on the vine was accompanied by a decrease in galacturonic acid, but not of neutral sugars in the WIF. Ethylene treatment caused a sharp decrease in rhamnose, arabinose and galactoselevels in the WIF, and galacturonic acid decreased with or without ethylene treatment. It is suggested that fruit softening on the vine is associated with the dissolution of homogalacturonan which is insensitive to ethylene, and that ethylene treatment induced solubilization of homogalacturonan and rhamnogalacturonan, followed by fruit softening.
机译:将猕猴桃藤上猕猴桃(C. Yellow Koshin)的软化和细胞壁多糖变化的机制与乙烯处理引起的变化进行了比较。通过依次用水,EDTA,HCl和KOH提取残留物,从80%的醇不溶性残留物中制备细胞壁多糖。研究了由EDTA,HCl和KOH可溶性馏分衍生的水不溶性馏分(WIF)中单糖含量的减少。在藤上软化的过程中,未在果实中检测到乙烯释放。葡萄藤上的果实变软伴随着半乳糖醛酸的减少,而WIF中的中性糖却没有减少。乙烯处理导致WIF中鼠李糖,阿拉伯糖和半乳糖水平急剧下降,而经过或未经过乙烯处理的半乳糖醛酸水平均下降。提示藤上的果实软化与对乙烯不敏感的高半乳糖醛酸的溶解有关,并且乙烯处理诱导高半乳糖醛酸和鼠李糖半乳糖醛酸的增溶,然后果实软化。



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