首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials >Creep Analysis of an Isotropic Rotating Al-SiC Composite Disc taking into Account the Phase-specific Thermal Residual Stress

Creep Analysis of an Isotropic Rotating Al-SiC Composite Disc taking into Account the Phase-specific Thermal Residual Stress


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Analysis of steady-state creep in a rotating disc made of Al-SiC_p composite has been carried out using isotropic Hoffman yield criterion and the results obtained are compared with those using von Mises yield criterion ignoring difference in yield stresses. The material parameters characterizing difference in yield stresses have been used from experimental results of other studies. The stress and strain rate distributions developed due to rotation have been calculated and compared for both the criteria. It is observed that the stress distribution is not too much affected due to presence of phase specific thermal residual stress. The presence of residual stress has contributed to an increase in the tangential strain rate particularly in the region near the outer radius of the disc, as compared to the tangential strain rate in the disc without residual stress. The radial strain rate, which is compressive, changes significantly due to the presence of residual stress and even becomes tensile in the middle of the disc. It is thus concluded that the presence of residual stress significantly affects the creep in an isotropic rotating disc.



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