首页> 外文期刊>Journal of vascular and interventional radiology: JVIR >Iatrogenic hepatic puncture while placing a peritoneal drain: percutaneous direct embolization under ultrasound guidance.

Iatrogenic hepatic puncture while placing a peritoneal drain: percutaneous direct embolization under ultrasound guidance.


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Different percutaneous techniques have been used to treat ascites, such as paracentesis, percutaneous catheter drainage, and permanent drain placement. Although these techniques are associated with low morbility rates, complications have been reported (1). We report a case of percutaneous embolization after a iatrogenic hepatic puncture while placing a peritoneal drain for malignant ascites,which was solved with immediate and direct embolization with the use of ultrasound (US) guidance. A 66-year-old woman with an ovarian cystadenocarci-noma came to the radiology department for placement of a temporary peritoneal catheter under US guidance. After informed consent was received and coagulation function was established, the patient was placed in a supine position and an insertion point was chosen on the right flank in view of the supramesocolic distribution of ascites. Local anesthesia (mepivacaine 1%) was instilled and an 8-F drainage catheter (Flexima regular all-purpose drainage catheter set; Boston Scientific, Natick, Massachusetts) was directly advanced via trocar technique into the peritoneal cavity under US guidance (Antares; Siemens, Erlangen, Germany).
机译:已经使用了不同的经皮技术来治疗腹水,例如穿刺,经皮导管引流和永久性引流。尽管这些技术与低发病率有关,但已报道了并发症(1)。我们报告了一例医源性肝穿刺后经皮栓塞的病例,同时放置腹膜引流管用于恶性腹水,该问题通过使用超声(US)引导即刻直接栓塞得以解决。一名患有卵巢囊腺癌的66岁妇女来到放射科,在美国的指导下放置了临时腹膜导管。在获得知情同意并建立凝血功能后,将患者置于仰卧位,并考虑到腹水的超球泡分布,在右侧腹选择插入点。在美国的指导下(Antares;西门子),通过套管针技术将局部麻醉(甲哌卡因1%)滴入并直接通过套管针技术将8-F引流导管(Flexima常规通用引流导管套件; Boston Scientific,Natick,马萨诸塞州)推进腹膜腔。 (德国埃尔兰根)。



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