首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the history of the behavioral sciences >Alone Again: John Zubek and the Troubled History of Sensory Deprivation Research

Alone Again: John Zubek and the Troubled History of Sensory Deprivation Research

机译:再一次孤独:约翰·祖贝克(John Zubek)和感官剥夺研究的动荡历史

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In the 1950s, sensory deprivation research emerged as an influential new field for behavioral science researchers, supported by the intelligence community. Within a few years, deprivation research had become ubiquitous; images of sensory deprivation were invoked to explain a wide range of phenomena, from religious revelations to the very structure of psychoanalysis. Yet within a decade and a half, this field of research became implicated in cases of torture and abuse. This article examines the history of University of Manitoba psychologist John Zubek, who remained one of the final researchers still conducting sensory deprivation research in the 1970s. It raises questions on how might it be possible to successfully and cautiously perform controversial research.
机译:1950年代,在智力界的支持下,感觉剥夺研究成为行为科学研究人员的一个有影响力的新领域。在短短的几年之内,剥夺研究已经无处不在。从宗教启示到精神分析的结构,人们援引了感觉剥夺的图像来解释各种现象。然而,在十年半的时间里,这一研究领域涉及了酷刑和虐待案件。本文考察了曼尼托巴大学心理学家约翰·祖贝克(John Zubek)的历史,他仍然是1970年代仍在进行感觉剥夺研究的最终研究者之一。这就提出了一个问题,即如何成功和谨慎地进行有争议的研究。



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