
Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Like Syndrome due to Hypercalcemic Encephalopathy


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Hypercalcemia can cause a subacute syndrome of progressive dementia and marked changes in the electroencephalogram (EEG). We report a case of iatrogenic hypercalcemia with a close correlation between the clinical course and the EEG changes. A 73-year-old woman presented with a subacute syndrome of progressive dementia and bursts of 1.5 to 2 Hz intermittent rhythmic delta activity superimposed on a low-voltage background activity in the EEG. Clinical and EEG abnormalities rapidly resolved after normalization of serum calcium levels. As part of the diagnostic workup of a subacute progressive dementia, a serum calcium level and an EEG should be obtained to detect a Creutzfeldt-Jakob like syndrome in hypercalcemia. Unlike in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, and Creutzfeldt-Jakob-like syndrome induced by lithium intoxication, there are rarely myoclonic jerks and periodic discharges in hypercalcemic encephalopathy.
机译:高钙血症可导致进行性痴呆的亚急性综合征和脑电图(EEG)的明显变化。我们报告一例医源性高钙血症,其临床病程和脑电图变化之间密切相关。一名73岁的妇女表现为亚急性进行性痴呆综合症,并发作了1.5至2 Hz的间歇性节律性三角洲活动,并伴有脑电图的低电压背景活动。血清钙水平正常化后,临床和脑电图异常迅速消失。作为亚急性进行性痴呆的诊断检查的一部分,应获取血清钙水平和EEG,以检测高钙血症中的Creutzfeldt-Jakob综合征。不同于锂中毒引起的克雅氏病和克雅氏样综合征,高钙血症性脑病很少有肌阵挛性抽搐和周期性放电。



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