首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Dietetic Association >2006 marketplace survey of trans-fatty acid content of margarines and butters, cookies and snack cakes, and savory snacks.

2006 marketplace survey of trans-fatty acid content of margarines and butters, cookies and snack cakes, and savory snacks.


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In recent years, newer technologies have been developed to reduce the trans-fat content of fats and oils used in manufacturing food products. To examine the implications of these changes on foods in the marketplace, a survey was conducted to assess current levels of trans and saturated fat in three food categories: margarines and butters; cookies and snack cakes; and savory snacks. A sampling of products from each category was conducted at a Wal-Mart Supercenter in the Minneapolis-St Paul, MN, metropolitan area in July of 2006. All information was obtained from product labels, except price, which was recorded from price listings on product shelving. Most margarines and butters (21 of 29), cookies and snack cakes (34 of 44), and savory snacks (31 of 40) were labeled as containing 0 g trans fat. However, some products contained substantial amounts of trans fat. Most notably, 3 of 40 savory snack products were labeled as containing > or =3 g trans fat. Significant inverse correlations were found between product price and the saturated and trans-fat content of margarines (r=-0.45) and savory snacks (r=-0.32). In conclusion, it appears that the food industry has made progress in reducing the trans-fat content in a variety of products. Nonetheless, consumers need to read product labels because the trans-fat content of individual products can vary considerably. Products that are lower in trans and saturated fat tend to cost more, which may be a barrier to their purchase for price-conscious consumers.
机译:近年来,已经开发出更新的技术来减少用于制造食品的脂肪和油的反式脂肪含量。为了研究这些变化对市场食品的影响,进行了一项调查,以评估三种食品类别中的反式和饱和脂肪的当前水平:人造黄油和黄油;饼干和点心蛋糕;和咸味小吃。 2006年7月,在明尼阿波利斯市明尼阿波利斯-圣保罗市大都会区的沃尔玛超级中心对每个类别的产品进行了抽样。除价格外,所有信息均来自产品标签,该价格记录在产品价格清单中搁置。大多数人造黄油和黄油(29个中的21个),饼干和小吃蛋糕(44个中的34个)和咸味小吃(40个中的31个)被标记为含有0克反式脂肪。但是,某些产品包含大量反式脂肪。最值得注意的是,在40种咸味休闲食品中,有3种被标记为含有>或= 3 g反式脂肪。发现产品价格与人造黄油(r = -0.45)和美味零食(r = -0.32)的饱和脂肪和反式脂肪含量之间存在显着的反相关关系。总之,看来食品工业在减少各种产品中反式脂肪含量方面取得了进展。尽管如此,消费者仍需要阅读产品标签,因为单个产品的反式脂肪含量可能相差很大。反式和饱和脂肪含量较低的产品往往价格更高,这可能是价格敏感型消费者购买的障碍。



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