首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry >Comparison of Different Signal Thresholds on Data Dependent Sampling in Orbitrap and LTQ Mass Spectrometry for the Identification of Peptides and Proteins in Complex Mixtures

Comparison of Different Signal Thresholds on Data Dependent Sampling in Orbitrap and LTQ Mass Spectrometry for the Identification of Peptides and Proteins in Complex Mixtures


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We evaluate the effect of ion-abundance threshold settings for data-dependent acquisition on a hybrid LTQ-Orbitrap mass spectrometer, analyzing features Such as the total number of spectra collected, the signal to noise ratio of the full MS scans, the spectral quality of the tandem mass spectra acquired, and the number of peptides and proteins identified from a complex mixture. We find that increasing the threshold for data-dependent acquisition generally decreases the quantity but increases the quality of the spectra acquired. This is especially true when the threshold setting is set above the noise level of the full MS scan. We compare two distinct experimental configurations: one where full MS scans are acquired in the Orbitrap analyzer while tandem MS scans are acquired in the LTQ analyzer, and one where both full MS and tandem MS scans are acquired in the LTQ analyzer. We examine the number of spectra, peptides, and proteins identified under various threshold conditions, and we find that the optimal threshold setting is at or below the respective noise level of the instrument regardless of whether the full MS scan is performed in the Orbitrap or in the LTQ analyzer. When comparing the high-throughput identification performance of the two analyzers, we conclude that, used at optimal threshold levels, the LTQ and the Orbitrap identify similar numbers of peptides and proteins. The higher scan speed of the LTQ, which results in more spectra being collected, is roughly compensated by the higher mass accuracy of the Orbitrap, which results in improved database searching and peptide validation software performance. (J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2009, 20, 1405-1414) (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of American Society for Mass Spectrometry
机译:我们在混合LTQ-Orbitrap质谱仪上评估离子丰度阈值设置对数据依赖型采集的影响,分析诸如采集的光谱总数,完整MS扫描的信噪比,质谱图的质量等特征获得的串联质谱图,以及从复杂混合物中鉴定出的肽和蛋白质的数量。我们发现,提高数据相关采集的阈值通常会减少数量,但会提高所采集光谱的质量。当将阈值设置设置为高于完整MS扫描的噪声水平时,尤其如此。我们比较了两种截然不同的实验配置:一种是在Orbitrap分析仪中获取完整的MS扫描,而在LTQ分析仪中获取串联的MS扫描,另一种是在LTQ分析仪中获取完整的MS和串联MS扫描。我们检查了在各种阈值条件下鉴定出的光谱,肽段和蛋白质的数量,发现无论在Orbitrap还是在Orbitrap中进行完整的MS扫描,最佳阈值设置都等于或低于仪器各自的噪声水平。 LTQ分析仪。当比较两个分析仪的高通量鉴定性能时,我们得出结论,以最佳阈值水平使用时,LTQ和Orbitrap可以鉴定相似数量的肽和蛋白质。 LTQ的较高扫描速度可导致收集更多的光谱,而Orbitrap的较高质量精度可大致弥补这一不足,从而可改善数据库搜索和肽验证软件的性能。 (J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2009,20,1405-1414)(C)2009由Elsevier Inc.代表美国质谱学会出版



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