首页> 外文期刊>Journal of sports sciences. >Musculoskeletal health profile for elite female footballers versus untrained young women before and after 16 weeks of football training

Musculoskeletal health profile for elite female footballers versus untrained young women before and after 16 weeks of football training


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We investigated the musculoskeletal health profile of elite female football players (ET) in comparison to untrained (UT) young women subjected to 16 weeks of football training (2 × 1 h per week). DXA scans, blood sampling, sprint testing and Flamingo postural balance testing were carried out for 27 Danish national team players and 28 untrained women, with eight women being tested after training. At baseline total BMD and BMC were 13% (1.305 ± 0.050 versus 1.159 ± 0.056 g · cm-2) and 23% (3047 ± 235 versus 2477 ± 526 g) higher (P <0.001) and leg BMD and BMC were 24 and 28% higher (P <0.01) in ET than in UT. Resting plasma osteocalcin was 45% higher in ET than in UT (28.8 ± 10.9 versus 19.9 ± 9.9 μg · L-1, P <0.05). Total lean body mass was 14% higher (50.4 ± 3.3 versus 44.3 ± 4.0 kg) in ET compared with UT, with no difference in total body mass. The number of Flamingo test falls was 56-63% less (P <0.01) and 30 m sprinting speed was 31% faster (P <0.001) in ET than UT. After 16 weeks of football training for UT, lean body mass increased by 1.4 ± 0.5 kg and the number of left leg falls decreased by 29% (P <0.05). No significant changes occurred in BMD or BMC, but plasma osteocalcin increased (P <0.05) by 37%. In summary, elite women footballers have an impressive musculoskeletal health profile compared with untrained controls, but short-term football training seems to reduce the risk of falls and increase bone formation.
机译:我们与接受过16周足球训练(每周2×1小时)的未经训练(UT)的年轻女性相比,调查了优秀女足球运动员(ET)的肌肉骨骼健康状况。对27名丹麦国家队队员和28名未受过训练的妇女进行了DXA扫描,血液采样,冲刺测试和火烈鸟姿势平衡测试,其中八名妇女经过训练后接受了测试。在基线时,总BMD和BMC分别高13%(1.305±0.050对1.159±0.056 g·cm-2)和23%(3047±235对2477±526 g)(P <0.001),而腿部BMD和BMC分别为24和ET组比UT组高28%(P <0.01)。静息血浆中骨钙素在ET中比在UT中高45%(28.8±10.9对19.9±9.9μg·L-1,P <0.05)。与UT相比,ET的总瘦体重增加了14%(50.4±3.3对44.3±4.0千克),而总体重无差异。与UT相比,在ET中,火烈鸟掉落次数减少了56-63%(P <0.01),短跑30 m的冲刺速度提高了31%(P <0.001)。经过16周的UT足球训练后,瘦体重增加了1.4±0.5 kg,左腿摔倒的次数减少了29%(P <0.05)。 BMD或BMC没有发生明显变化,但血浆骨钙素增加了(P <0.05)37%。总而言之,与未经训练的对照组相比,精英女子足球运动员的肌肉骨骼健康状况令人印象深刻,但是短期足球训练似乎可以降低跌倒的风险并增加骨骼的形成。



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