首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Ethnopharmacology: An Interdisciplinary Journal Devoted to Bioscientific Research on Indigenous Drugs >Creative and innovative good practice in traditional Chinese medicine clinical studies: Strategies for sustainable development

Creative and innovative good practice in traditional Chinese medicine clinical studies: Strategies for sustainable development


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Clinical studies are necessary to establish the safety and effectiveness of all medicines including traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) (Tang et al., 1999; Zhang et al, 2012). So far, most evidence on the safety and efficacy of TCM has been derived from randomized controlled trials (RCTs), which are designed to answer specific scientific and health care questions (Jiang et al., 2010), but these may not necessarily reflect clinical practice. Although RCTs form the foundation of evidence-based medicine (EBM), such studies can be relied upon only if they are conducted according to good practice (Guyatt and Rennie, 2002). Despite the controversy associated with EBM (Des, 2014), the hierarchy of evidence indicates the relative weight and value of evidence. Systematic reviews (SRs) and meta-analyses, which synthesize the results of a number of similar studies, produce results with greater statistical power and are thought to be more robust. Nevertheless, SRs and meta-analyses depend on the quality of the original reports.
机译:临床研究对于确定包括中药(TCM)在内的所有药物的安全性和有效性是必要的(Tang等,1999; Zhang等,2012)。到目前为止,大多数有关中药安全性和有效性的证据均来自随机对照试验(RCT),旨在回答特定的科学和医疗保健问题(Jiang等,2010),但不一定能反映临床实践。尽管RCT构成了循证医学(EBM)的基础,但是只有根据良好实践进行此类研究,才能依赖此类研究(Guyatt和Rennie,2002)。尽管存在着与EBM相关的争议(Des,2014年),但证据层次表明了证据的相对权重和价值。系统评价(SR)和荟萃分析综合了许多类似研究的结果,产生的结果具有更强的统计能力,并且被认为更可靠。但是,SR和荟萃分析取决于原始报告的质量。



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