首页> 外文会议>2010 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine Workshops >Traditional Chinese Medicine data mining: Associating clinical cancer case studies with Traditional Chinese Medicine therapies

Traditional Chinese Medicine data mining: Associating clinical cancer case studies with Traditional Chinese Medicine therapies




TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) is a wonderfully working, yet somewhat mysterious, healthcare system. Without involving the difficult I-Ching and Yin-yang principles, we develop a data mining approach to TCM by associating clinical cancer case studies with TCM therapies, both herbal doses and other methods. Thus, a scientific methodology is proposed for TCM, not only for cancer cases but also other diseases. Our first task is to collect a significant number of cancer case studies to generate a data set for various data mining schemes. We reporte here the construction of the database - ACCDB (Associated Cancer Case Data Base).
机译:中医(中医)是一个非常有用的工作,但有些神秘的医疗保健系统。在不涉及困难的I-Ching和阴阳原则,我们通过将临床癌症案例研究与TCM疗法相关联,制定数据挖掘方法,包括草药剂量和其他方法。因此,为中医提出了一种科学方法,不仅适用于癌症病例,还为其他疾病。我们的第一任务是收集大量癌症案例研究,以为各种数据挖掘方案生成数据集。我们报道了数据库 - ACCDB(相关癌症案例数据库)的构建。



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