首页> 外文期刊>Journal of speech, language, and hearing research: JSLHR >Expressive language profiles of verbally expressive adolescents and young adults with Down syndrome or fragile X syndrome.

Expressive language profiles of verbally expressive adolescents and young adults with Down syndrome or fragile X syndrome.


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PURPOSE: In this study, the authors examined the expressive language abilities of a subset of highly verbally expressive adolescents and young adults with Down syndrome (DS) and those with fragile X syndrome (FXS) for evidence of syndrome-related differences. FXS gender differences were also examined in an exploratory fashion. METHOD: The authors evaluated 24 adolescents and young adults with DS, 17 adolescents and young adults with FXS, and 21 children with typical development (TD), with the groups matched on nonverbal mental age. Language ability was examined using the Oral and Written Language Scales (OWLS; Carrow-Woolfolk, 1995) and Developmental Sentence Scoring (DSS; Lee, 1974) scores derived from an oral narrative language sample. RESULTS: Study analyses revealed the following group differences: The FXS group outperformed the DS and TD groups on the OWLS measure; the TD group outperformed both other groups on some of the DSS measures; the FXS group outperformed the DS group on the DSS Sentence Point measure; and females with FXS outperformed males with FXS on several measures. CONCLUSIONS: Results contribute to the ongoing construction of the language phenotypes of individuals with DS and individuals with FXS and support the conclusion that there are quantitative rather than qualitative differences in their expressive language profiles.
机译:目的:在这项研究中,作者检查了具有高言语表达能力的青少年和唐氏综合症(DS)和脆性X综合征(FXS)的青少年的表达语言能力,以寻找与症候群相关的证据。还以探索的方式检查了FXS的性别差异。方法:作者评估了24名DS的青少年和青少年,17名FXS的青少年和青少年以及21名具有典型发育(TD)的儿童,这些组的年龄与非语言年龄相匹配。语言能力是使用口头和书面语言量表(OWLS; Carrow-Woolfolk,1995)和发育句评分(DSS; Lee,1974)从口头叙事语言样本得出的。结果:研究分析揭示了以下群体差异:在OWLS量度上,FXS组优于DS和TD组;在某些DSS措施上,TD小组的表现优于其他两个小组; FXS小组在DSS语句点度量方面的表现优于DS小组;在某些方面,拥有FXS的女性要比拥有FXS的男性好。结论:结果有助于DS个体和FXS个体的语言表型的持续构建,并支持结论,即他们的表达语言方面存在数量而非质量上的差异。



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