
A preliminary study of PDA-based dietary self-monitoring in hemodialysis patients.


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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to pilot test an intervention to enhance the adherence of study participants to the hemodialysis dietary regimen. DESIGN: A single case study design was used to examine the potential effectiveness of the intervention over a 4-month period of time. SETTING: A dialysis center in southwestern Pennsylvania. PATIENTS: Of the five individuals entered into the study, one was male and four were female, four were black, and one was white. Participants were 63 to 70 years of age, and had been receiving dialysis for a median of 36 months (range, 18 to 84 months). INTERVENTION: The intervention included counseling to enhance self-efficacy, by a renal dietitian, paired with personal digital assistant-based dietary self-monitoring. Participants met twice per week with interventionists during the first 6 weeks, weekly during the second 6-week period, and biweekly in the final 4-week period. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Monthly laboratory data regarding serum albumin, potassium, and phosphorus levels; Kt/V; and data on average monthly interdialytic weight gain were abstracted from the participants' medical records. C-reactive protein level was determined at baseline and at 4 months. RESULTS: Four of five study participants had an increase in serum albumin level from baseline to their final measurement, and one participant maintained a stable albumin level. Four of five participants also experienced a small increase in serum phosphorus level. Mixed results were obtained with regard to serum potassium and average monthly interdialytic weight gain. CONCLUSIONS: Because of the small sample and single case study design, caution must be used in drawing firm conclusions from this study. Data suggest that the intervention may result in improved dietary intake and improved serum albumin levels. With increased dietary intake, serum phosphorus levels may increase. Additional research is needed to determine the potential efficacy and cost-effectiveness of this intervention for improving dietary adherence.
机译:目的:本研究的目的是对干预措施进行试点试验,以增强研究参与者对血液透析饮食方案的依从性。设计:采用单例研究设计来检查干预在4个月内的潜在有效性。地点:宾夕法尼亚州西南部的透析中心。患者:参加研究的五个人中,男性为一,女性为四,四为黑人,一为白人。参与者年龄为63至70岁,接受透析的中位数为36个月(范围为18到84个月)。干预措施:该干预措施包括由肾脏营养师提供咨询以增强自我效能,并结合基于个人数字助理的饮食自我监测。在最初的6周内,参与者每周两次与干预者会面,在接下来的6周内每周两次,在最后的4周内每两周一次。主要观察指标:每月血清白蛋白,钾和磷水平的实验室数据。 Kt / V;从参与者的病历中提取出平均每月透析间增重的数据。在基线和4个月时测定C反应蛋白水平。结果:五名研究参与者中有四名的血清白蛋白水平从基线到最终测量均升高,一名参与者保持稳定的白蛋白水平。五位参与者中有四位也经历了血清磷水平的小幅上升。关于血清钾和平均每月透析间体重增加,获得了混合结果。结论:由于样本量少和单例研究设计,在从本研究得出明确结论时必须谨慎行事。数据表明,该干预措施可能会改善饮食摄入并改善血清白蛋白水平。随着饮食摄入量的增加,血清磷水平可能会增加。需要更多的研究来确定这种干预措施改善饮食依从性的潜在功效和成本效益。



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