
Delayed presentation of congenital diaphragmatic hernia manifesting as combined-type acute gastric volvulus: a case report and review of the literature.


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Acute gastric volvulus associated with congenital diaphragmatic hernia is an unusual surgical emergency. We describe a case of an 11-year-old girl who presented with a 4-day history of abdominal pain, nonproductive retching, cough, and shortness of breath. A chest radiograph revealed a large air-fluid level in left hemithorax and the presence of intestinal loops with marked mediastinal deviation. Nasogastric decompression was unsuccessful. Via a thoracoscopic approach, the large fluid-filled stomach was percutaneously decompressed but could not be reduced. Through a left subcostal incision, a left-sided diaphragmatic defect about 4 x 5 cm was encountered. A large portion of small intestines, ascending and transverse colon, strangulated but viable stomach, and a large spleen herniated through the defect. The contents were reduced, revealing a combined gastric volvulus. Once the diaphragmatic defect was repaired primarily, there was insufficient space in the abdominal cavity to contain all the viscera reduced form the chest. Therefore, we placed an AlloDerm patch on the fascia and closed with a wound V.A.C (Kinetic Concepts Inc, San Antonio, TX). Two weeks later, the wound was definitively closed; she recovered uneventfully and was discharged home 3 days later. To our knowledge, only 26 previous cases of acute gastric volvulus complicating a congenital diaphragmatic hernia in children have been reported in the literature. Our patient represents the 27th case and the first combined type acute gastric volvulus case.
机译:与先天性diaphragm肌疝相关的急性胃扭转是一种不寻常的外科急症。我们描述了一个11岁女孩的案例,该女孩出现了4天的腹痛,无生产力的呕吐,咳嗽和呼吸急促的病史。胸部X光片显示左半胸中有大量的液体,并且肠and存在,纵隔明显偏离。鼻胃减压不成功。通过胸腔镜方法,将充满液体的大胃经皮减压,但无法减少。通过左肋下切口,遇到了约4 x 5 cm的左侧diaphragm肌缺损。大部分小肠,升结肠和横结肠,绞窄但可存活的胃,大脾脏通过缺损突出。内容物减少,显示出胃扭转。一旦初步修复了diaphragm肌缺损,腹腔中就没有足够的空间容纳所有胸部减少的内脏。因此,我们将AlloDerm贴片放置在筋膜上,并用伤口V.A.C(Kinetic Concepts Inc,San Antonio,TX)封闭。两周后,伤口终于闭合。她恢复得很好,三天后出院了。据我们所知,文献中仅报道过26例儿童并发先天性diaphragm疝的急性胃扭转。我们的患者代表第27例,也是首例合并型急性胃扭转的病例。



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