首页> 外文期刊>Journal of personality and social psychology >Framing discrimination: Effects of inclusion versus exclusion mind-sets on stereotypic judgments

Framing discrimination: Effects of inclusion versus exclusion mind-sets on stereotypic judgments


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Three studies investigated how inclusion versus exclusion strategies differentially lead to stereotypic decisions. In inclusion strategies, suitable targets are selected from a list of candidates, whereas in exclusion strategies, unsuitable candidates are eliminated. Across 2 separate target domains (Study 1: male and female politicians; Studies 2 and 3: African American and European American basketball players), exclusion strategies, as compared with inclusion strategies, elicited higher levels of both sensitivity stereotyping (i.e., greater difficulty distinguishing among members of stereotyped groups) and criterion stereotyping (i.e., setting different decision thresholds for judging members of different groups; see M. R. Banaji & A. G. Greenwald, 1995). Thus, the strategy used during decision making can influence the final decision via 2 theoretically distinct stereotyping mechanisms.
机译:三项研究调查了包含与排除策略如何差异地导致刻板印象的决策。在纳入策略中,从候选人列表中选择合适的目标,而在排除策略中,排除不合适的候选人。在2个不同的目标领域中(研究1:男性和女性政治家;研究2和3:非裔美国人和欧美篮球运动员),与纳入策略相比,排除策略会引起较高的两种敏感性刻板印象(即,区分难度更大)刻板印象小组成员之间的差异)和标准刻板印象(即,设置不同的判断阈值以判断不同小组的成员;请参见MR Banaji&AG Greenwald,1995年)。因此,决策过程中使用的策略可以通过2种理论上不同的刻板印象机制来影响最终决策。



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