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Pharmacokinetics of oral amlodipine orotate in vagotomized dogs.


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It was reported that gastric motility was delayed and gastric acid secretion was reduced in vagotomized dogs which mimics a low gastric acidity in humans. A delay in gastric motility causes long residence of amlodipine in the stomach. More unionized fractions of amlodipine could exist in less acidic conditions of gastrointestinal fluids, since amlodipine is a weak basic drug with pKa of 8.7. Hence, gastrointestinal absorption of amlodipine is expected to be enhanced and the time to reach a peak plasma concentration of amlodipine (Tmax) is faster in vagotomized dogs. This was proven after oral administration of an amlodipine orotate tablet at a dose of 5 mg as amlodipine in vagotomized dogs. For example, in vagotomized dogs, the total area under the plasma concentration-time curve from time zero to the last measured time, 48 h, in plasma (AUC(0-48 h)) was significantly greater (725 versus 348 ng h/ml) and Tmax was significantly shorter (1.50 versus 5.00 h) than those in dogs without vagotomy.
机译:据报道,在经阴道切开的狗中,胃蠕动被延迟并且胃酸分泌减少,这模拟了人的胃酸度低。胃动力的延迟导致氨氯地平在胃中长期停留。由于氨氯地平是一种弱碱性药物,pKa值为8.7,因此在酸性较低的胃肠道液中可能存在更多的氨氯地平联合部分。因此,预计在迷走了阴道的狗中氨氯地平的胃肠道吸收会增强,达到氨氯地平峰值血药浓度(Tmax)的时间会更快。这在经迷走神经切断的狗中口服氨氯地平乳清酸盐片氨氯地平5 mg剂量后得到证实。例如,在经迷走神经切断术的狗中,血浆浓度(时间零)到最后一次测量时间(血浆中的AUC(0-48 h)48 h)下的血浆浓度-时间曲线下的总面积明显更大(725对348 ng h /毫升)和Tmax明显比不使用迷走神经切断术的狗要短(1.50对5.00 h)。



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