首页> 外文期刊>Journal of occupational health psychology >Is Outcome Responsibility at Work Emotionally Exhausting? Investigating Employee Proactivity as a Moderator

Is Outcome Responsibility at Work Emotionally Exhausting? Investigating Employee Proactivity as a Moderator


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This study investigates the relationship between outcome responsibility and employees' well-being in terms of emotional exhaustion. Outcome responsibility is a job demand implying that employees' decisions at work have high material and/or nonmaterial consequences. Previous research indicates that outcome responsibility can have both positive and negative effects on employee well-being. Based on the person-job fit approach we hypothesize that whether or not outcome responsibility is positively or negatively related to emotional exhaustion depends on whether employees' behavioral style fits with this job demand. We investigate the role of proactive behavior as a personal resource that fits with high responsibility. We test our hypothesis in a multisource study among 138 employee-colleague dyads. Results of hierarchical moderated regression analysis reveal that peer-rated proactive behavior moderates the relationship between outcome responsibility and emotional exhaustion, such that the relationship is negative for employees showing high and nonsignificant for employees showing low proactivity. This finding holds also when controlling for trait positive and negative affect. The current study contributes to previous research on job design, proactivity, and occupational well-being and offers practical implications in terms of selection and training of employees for jobs high in outcome responsibility.



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