首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology >Eco-Friendly Management of Post-Harvest Fruit Rot of Guava Caused by Pestalotiopsis palmarum

Eco-Friendly Management of Post-Harvest Fruit Rot of Guava Caused by Pestalotiopsis palmarum


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Plant extracts of Ocimum sanctum,, Vinca rosea, Azadirachta indica, Aloe barbadensis and Withania somnifera, Azadirachta indica karnel, Allium sativum bulb extract and bioagents viz, Trichoderma viride, T. harzianum and Pseudomonas fluorescens were evaluated for efficacy in reducing the severity of post-harvest fruit rot (Pestalotiopsis palmarum) in guava. In vitro tests against P. palmarum indicated that the maximum inhibition of mycelial growth and spore germination was with A. barbadensis leaf extract. Leaf extract from V. rosea proved to be the least effective against the spore germination and in pre- and post-inoculation treatments. Leaf extracts from Ocimum sanctum and A. indica were proved to be equally effective while leaf extract from V. rosea and nimbecidin were least effective against the fruit rot. Mycelial growth of P. palmarum was significantly inhibited by T harzianum followed by T viride. P. fluorescens caused the least inhibition. T harzianum rendered the lowest severity of the Pestalotiopsis rot in semi-ripe stage of guava fruits in pre- and post-inoculation treatments.
机译:评价了圣殿植物,长春花,印度印A,芦荟和巴布亚和Withania somnifera,印度印仁,大蒜鳞茎提取物和生物制剂,木霉,里氏木霉,哈茨木霉和荧光假单胞菌的植物提取物在降低中的功效。番石榴中的果实腐烂(Pestalotiopsis palmarum)。体外对棕榈掌杆菌的测试表明,对菌丝体生长和孢子萌发的最大抑制作用是用巴巴曲霉叶提取物进行的。玫瑰蔷薇叶提取物被证明对孢子萌发以及接种前和接种后的处理效果最低。事实证明,从Ocimum Sanctum和A. indica提取的叶提取物同样有效,而从V. rosea和nimbecidin提取的叶提取物对水果腐烂的影响最小。 harzianum继之以T viride显着抑制棕榈果的菌丝体生长。荧光假单胞菌引起的抑制作用最小。在接种前和接种后的半熟番石榴果实中,T harzianum的腐烂程度最低。



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