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Diagnosis and Integrated Management of Fruit Rot in Cucurbita argyrosperma Caused by Sclerotium rolfsii




Fruit rot is the principal phytopathological problem of pipiana pumpkin (Cucurbita argyrosperma Huber) in the state of Guerrero. The aims of this research were to 1) identify the causal agent of southern blight on pumpkin fruits by morphological, pathogenic, and molecular analysis (ITS1, 5.8S, ITS2); 2) evaluate in vitro Trichoderma spp. strains and chemical fungicides; and 3) evaluate under rainfed field conditions, the strains that obtained the best results in vitro, combined with fungicides during two crop cycles. Number of commercial and non-commercial fruits at harvest, and seed yield (kg ha−1) were registered. Morphological, pathogenic and molecular characterization identified Sclerotium rolfsii as the causal agent of rot in pipiana pumpkin fruits. Now, in vitro conditions, the highest inhibition of S. rolfsii were obtained by Trichoderma virens strain G-41 (70.72%), T. asperellum strain CSAEGro-1 (69%), and the fungicides metalaxyl (100%), pyraclostrobin (100%), quintozene (100%), cyprodinil + fludioxonil (100%), and prochloraz (100%). Thiophanate-methyl only delayed growth (4.17%). In field conditions, during the spring-summer 2015 cycle, T. asperellum strain CSAEGro-1 + metalaxyl, and T. asperellum + cyprodinil + fludioxonil, favored the highest number of fruits and seed yield in the crop.
机译:水果腐烂是格雷罗州皮皮纳南瓜(Cucurbita argyrosperma Huber)的主要植物病理学问题。这项研究的目的是:1)通过形态,致病性和分子分析(ITS1、5.8S,ITS2)识别南瓜疫情中南部疫病的病因。 2)评估体外木霉属。菌株和化学杀菌剂; (3)在雨养田间条件下,评估在两个农作周期中,在体外获得最佳效果的菌株与杀菌剂的组合。记录收获时的商业和非商业水果数量,以及种子产量(kg ha -1 )。形态,致病性和分子特征鉴定了硬核病菌是南瓜果实中腐烂的病因。现在,在体外条件下,毒木霉菌株G-41(70.72%),曲霉菌CSAEGro-1(69%)和杀真菌剂甲霜灵(100%),吡咯菌胺( 100%),喹喔啉(100%),环丙啶+氟地西尼(100%)和丙氯嗪(100%)。甲基硫氰酸酯仅延迟生长(4.17%)。在田间条件下,在2015年春夏季周期,曲霉菌CSAEGro-1 +甲霜灵和曲霉菌+环丙啶+氟地西尼的产量最高。



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